Monday 2 July 2012

Met with Sachiko Sugiura, associate professor from Musashino Art University/武蔵野美術大学cassociate professor associate professor 准教授の杉浦幸子さんとお会いしました。2012/06/27 in English/in Japanse(日本語)

Went for dinner with Sachiko Sugiura, associate professor of Musashino Art University Department of Arts Policy and Management. We had a meeting with her friends, students at The Duke Of Cambridge Organic Pub at Angel in London, everything is organic and very tasty! You should try.

I talk with her friend about most of Japanese people in London do not want to go back to Japan, Is England better place than Japan?
I want to change Japan where everyone want to live.

武蔵野美術大学、芸術文化学科  准教授の杉浦幸子さんとお会いしました。ロンドンのAngelにあるThe Duke Of Cambridge Organic Pub(ザ・デューク・オブ・ケンブリッジ・オーガニック・パブ)にて杉浦さんのお友達、生徒と食事をしました。オーガニックにこだわった食材のお店でとてもおいしかったです。


1 comment:

  1. So nostalgic! I came back to Japan after my master but always want to go back to pubs :)
