Monday 13 May 2013

I'm surrounded by Aliens? Japan2013 / 宇宙人に囲まれている...2013年日本 in English/日本語  20130511

Arrived at Narita airport in Tokyo. Humid and quite warm like summer in England. Took only 20 minutes be outside of passport control.   

Every time I come to Japan I feel that young women take care so much about outlook. Looking at the mirror and always have to be perfect (I don’t know what that perfect for them means) 

but not so much to elder people. It seems like as they get older, they are less interested in outside. Very interesting. 

Young girls wearing blue contact lens and because of make-up or perhaps plastic surgery, they look they have huge eyes like anime. This makes me feel very uncomfortable.

 I remember when I went to European countries for the first time. I felt everyone looks alien, but now I feel like I am visiting the other planet when I come to Japan.





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