Sunday 17 June 2012

First Time Being In India Part 3(2012-02-29)  初めてのインドPart 3 (2012-02-29) In English/ in 日本語

Cars, they speak, people in India seem like they do not know how to use the car. Somehow the cars do not look like cars.. like living animals.. or it just look like different device. Whatever we offer to Indian people they don’t use them as how the other normal people use. Architecture,,,even, it looks like, ok we will put something on top, that will do. 

The craziness is going on everywhere. Everything looks chaos but it is working with harmony… that is quite amazing. Like the cars, they beep each other constantly, yes no stop in a day time. They even do as a politeness? And they seem like they are trying to hit each other, yes they have bruise and scars everywhere, but it seems like there are not so many accident… even to me. 

They are trying to mess up the queue but never try to hit they, they don’t go out from the cars and “hey you! What you are doing! “ like in England… there is no argument, no shouting, just beeping. In a way quite gentle communication. 

I spent time in the G(textile designer)’s studio. Designed and start making some toiles. Later one of the staff member of G drove me off to the station by motor cycle. I found that many Indian prefer to have a big size motor bike that also reminds me 70-80’s Japan.  I saw a big Hindu monument or temple on the way, made me realised I am in India.



列を乱すが、ぶつけたりはしない。車から出てきて「おまえ、なんのつもりだ!」なんて罵声を浴びせることもない。イギリスで起きる様な事は… 喧嘩も、怒鳴りあいもない。ただ「ビー!」っと鳴らしあうだけ。ある意味では礼儀のあるコミュニケーションだ。


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