Tuesday 12 June 2012

First Time Being In India (2nd day-1/2) Part 2  初めてのインド(2日目-1/2) Part 2 In English/ in 日本語


Woke up, M.M was sleeping, A brought a breakfast and walked to the university. The university I had to have a lecture. It was very very close to the house, which is quite funny.. my friend’s friend house and the university I have contacted from Uk was just 500m away…

Walked down, very nice weather(in fact no rains in whole trip from then). Concrete wall everywhere, chanting some religious songs I could hear from neighbours garden. People on the street selling street foods. Somehow the atmosphere reminded me Japan, maybe 70’s or maybe 50’s. Relaxing and everything moving slowly (although the cars rushing).

Arrived in Uni. Doesn’t look like design institute at all. No students. I said bye to A. I asked people where the professor is. There were many cleaner. Cleaning floor and table thoroughly, but not the wall. They seem not to understand my English. So I stayed. Feel a bit uncomfortable, but pretend that I am ok. When I look at walls and sofa, they are actually extremely dirty. Like they never cleaned for 30years… pigoun’s poof everywhere. They seem that they clean everyday with 10 - 20people but only the surface… very strange.. I start feeling this inefficient India.. From that time.

I thought they forgot about me, but I was in a wrong place, when I entered the class there were 30-40 people there. Old pc and screen was there. I connected to my pc and start talking to the students. This was the first time lecturing in English, somehow did better than I thought. I guess that is the difference between English and Japanese. It is strange that they are all Indian but they understand English. I know some Indian’s first language is English. I did 1 and half hour lecture and answered some questions from them.

I went back A’s house, there is a door keep man in front of the house, door keep man but very relaxed, sitting with his little daughter. Man is very thin and he seems that he is always there. I immediately felt cultural difference in here. Man who doesn’t speak English staying in front of the house as a guard all day and everyday, and under his chair, a little baby was rolling around.

-----------Japanese 日本語 2012-02-28

目が覚める。M.Mは寝ていた。Aが朝ごはんを持ってきてくれる。そして大学までつれていってくれた。僕が講演を頼まれた大学だった。その家からほんとうに近かった。面白いことにイギリスから連絡した、大学が彼の家から500mしか離れていなかった。 とてもいい天気で(結局僕がインド滞在中雨は一度も降らなかった)、ゆっくり道を歩く。コンクリートの壁がいたるところにある。宗教的なゆっくりした詩の合唱が近所の庭から聞こえる。男たちが道で食べ物を売っている。なぜかこの風景や雰囲気が日本を思い出させた。70年代、50年代の日本みたいだ。リラックスしてすべてがゆっくり動いているようだ(車だけはせわしないが)




1 comment:

  1. Wow Satoshi, even before I read , the sketching made it all clear. How put-aside sometimes we feel. I have the same feeling sometimes, although English people are nice and they try to make you feel uncomfortable, (not all of them, but majority), you still feel you are an outsider, in a way. But hey, good job on your lecture. おつかれさまでした。Hope to see you in Newcastle lecturing someday ^_^
