Friday 15 June 2012

First Time Being In India (2nd day-2/2) Part 2  初めてのインド(2日目-2/2) Part 2 In English/ in 日本語

M.M took me to the local restaurant, I saw a McDonald full of foreigners. Apart from that I cannot see anything familiar. All the buildings are chaotic, it seems like they build another floors without plan on top of each other. So some parts are sticking out and some parts are pushed back. I thought by M 3-4 earth quake can destroy all the buildings easily…

Local restaurant was quite good, reminds me a Kebab shop in UK, cheap table, a man near the cashier relaxing and sitting leaning on his one arm on the desk, looking outside. From the outside keep hearing the car noise. No door in this place, quite hot, but inside is chilled. didn’t expect how the proper Indian food like. It was very cheap, later she took me to the textile designer’s studio. It was quite far away.

Every time we go somewhere by auto-rickishaw, the driver rip us off. M.M was always irritated about this, but she always pay what they demand. There was a guy who opens the gate for us, I bet he is just there opening the gate all day. The place was gathered by a few designers and artist. Italian product designer, an English furniture designer were there. If you go through the exhibition space, there is a big garden with a small swimming pool. Met a textile designer, M.M was ordering some clothes from him and she was dealing with it. There was a hand weaving machine and a couple industrial sewing machines, pattern cutting table. The designer was funny and friendly guy. We talked for a while and decided to do some projects together, so I needed to come a couple days there to design works with him.

We go back to the town, M.M took me to Hauz Khas Village. She runs a unique restaurant there, I said hi to some of the stuff. There is a clothes shop where she works with a fashion designer. We went to a long established restaurant. Then we discussed what we are going to make at an event we are going to do at her restaurant. Japanese food dinner party! We later went to the food market.

“Hello, Madam” all the stuff in the shop knows M.M well. We bought a lot of staff. There were all kinds of vegetables and there were some Japanese vegetable as well, that made me surprised. Various kinds for fruit, strange looking but looks tasty or disgusting and Japanese Shiitake and Shimeji and so on. The owner asked us if we want chai or not in English, he brought chai in two small cups. This was quite funny.






町にもどってHauz Khas VillageにあるM.Mの経営する洒落たレストランにいき、何人かと挨拶する、横には彼女が働くファッション・デザイナーのお店がある。そのあと老舗のレストランにいく。そこで先ほどのレストランで企画している日本食のイベントのレシピについて二人で考え、フードマーケットに食材を買いにでかける。

「Hello, Madam」といきつきのお店の店員たちにはM.Mは顔見知りのようだ、ぼくらは大量に買い物をする。イギリスのマーケットよりも食材が豊富で日本のものもたくさんあったのが驚きだった。見た感じすべて新鮮なもので埋め尽くされていた。あらゆる種類のフルーツ、見たことがないがおいしそうなもの、奇怪なもの、日本のシイタケ、シメジなどなど。オーナーがチャイほしいですかと英語で聞いてきてどこからか、出来立てのチャイを小さなカップに入れて持ってきてくれた、これはちょっとおもしろかった。

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