Thursday 11 April 2013

Water tax (Dream) 2013-04-11(10th night) Draft

Met a guy who seems important. He was a governor, I found out it later.
he was very kind and nice guy, he was supposed to be my father's friend.
he said "oh did you read the newspaper? that is me I decided to do, every products which contains or used water,
people need to pay that water"
I didn't really understand
"so tissue and stuff.. we have to pay extra money for water?"
"yes yes"

later I was in the car(becomes a room later)
I was talking to a guy(Asian?) and watching a monitor. very nice cool electronic sound. then
my friend who is similar to Masahiko Kondo(80's singer) started singing. and became awful.
I said "we don't need a singer..."

I was near Hackney Marsh. three kids were chasing me. I was cycling the Marsh. getting dark, but very comfortable.
went to river side, try to find the station. Homerton then Stratford, it became Kichijoji in Tokyo.


at 2013-04-11 9:35am when I open the facebook my facebook friend was on the picture with governor in Taiwan, talking about Water Dam--

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