Monday 3 December 2012

Prophetic Dream Amagasaki Murderer 2012/10/23(22nd night) 予知夢 尼崎の事件 2012年10月23日(22日の夜) in English/in Japanese

There were big stairs, about 30cm high. I climb up about 15 steps. There were huge concrete(stones?) European style houses in row. I entered, then on the right hand side, there was a small high ceiling room. There was a Japanese style(looked like it) marble toilet. I had to go to toilet.

Going outside, then I walked the top part of the stairs. And to reach open space. Met a few people on the way and in the toilet. Reminds me of Dali Painting…
I arrived something like a tent. Met a Hong-kong guy. He said to me
‘There is something strange thing going on in Hong-Kong. Terrible thing’
I said ‘ oh murder? How many has been dead?’ ‘about a few…’
I asked, ‘the murderer is Hong-kong? And victim ?’ I thought this was very important question. ‘Both Hong-Kong people’  I was relaxed that there were not Japanese.
But he said ‘oh come on! You know there were much more horrible thing is happening in Japan?’ I didn’t say anything. ‘Many has been murdered, I guess. It’ll be more than 10 people.  I asked again ‘Is the criminal Japanese?’ he said ‘well, I don’t know about that, you need to find out.’

I think this dream is about Amagasaki homicide case 

I did not know about this case ‘til I have seen the video on youtube. When I told my assistants about the dream, they told me it might be about this case. I do not have a tv and don’t have any information about recent news in Japan.
It is interesting that I was asking the HK guy about the nationalities, and the number of murders are almost the same and on today they are still not sure the number of victims will be more than 7people or 10people.
you can see my tweet on on 23rd oct 2012




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