Thursday 18 August 2011

No Police or Law needed part 2 警察も法律もいらない。Part2 2011-08-18-001

- Individuality –

I assume that in some extent individuality helps in our society, having your opinion and stand up against the majority, but if that is too much, it’ll be selfishness. So working in the group would be fantastic in Japan, but it might end up with chaos in England.

- poverty –

When you see rich people on the street and you don’t have money and you have to work in a bad condition job, you might think it is unfair. I saw an article a couple days ago, one of the rioter was saying “ This is Government fault, rich people’s fault, it was so fan to burn things and steal things” Why rich people are bad ? not all of the rich people are stingy and showing off their money, see how it will happen those people who complain became rich, and some rich people help and consider about poverty.

“Why do being rich bad or good and why poor good or bad?”

I think in England they separate rich, middle and poor firmly. Poor people are pushed away to the corner. And the way of life as well… and seems that some people are ignorant about the problem. About the social benefit as well, the system is collapsed and they don’t even try to fix it. I know many people who take an advantage to those system and people who really need a support get nothing. In Japan we have many support from government but we don’t abuse the system. WhY?

Ok , I said “Is poor bad?” Lacking money is bad? Who said that? Capitalism? Even in Japan, some parents are crazy about career and being rich. What is wrong with these people? Why having a lot of money is good? Yes you can travel, you do not have to suffer from jobless, but this is mental matter, I mean how you think, creates poverty. Poor mind creates poorness. Those people who steal from the shop at this event, creates their poor mind and create them more poor.

YOUR MIND IS POOR that is why you are poor.

Of course you need to be educated how we are not thinking that way. Ask me if you need a help. I will answer that question.





貧しい事が悪いのか?と僕は言った。お金がないことがなぜ悪いのだろうか?誰が言ったのだろうか?資本主義?日本でもそういった現象はある。おかしな親たちは子供をお金持ちに、そして素晴らしい(?)キャリアを持つ為に必死に育てる(?)。彼らはどうかしているのだろうか?なぜお金をいっぱいもっていることがそんなに良いことなのだろうか? もちろんお金があれば、色々なところへ旅行へ行ったり仕事がないことに不安を抱えなくていい。でもこれは精神のもちようで変わる。 どの様にして精神を自分の体に置くかで自分の環境を変える。貧しく考えれば貧しくなる。 今回の問題でものを盗んだひとたちはさらに彼らを貧しくしているだろう。




  1. Thanks for writing what you believe in, and for being open to responses and questions. We're all learning all the time.

  2. Vera, Thanks for comment. Thanks for reading this
