Thursday 3 June 2010

ルーシー・ブラックマンについて About Lucie Blackman (日本語&English)


Why Japanese people hide the fact. 10years ago, Lucie Blackman, who was an English girl, was murdered by a Japanese guy. It was about 6 years later since I came in England, I found an article on the newspaper about the murderer. According to this, his nationality is South Korean. But it wasn’t reported at all in media in Japan. Why does they need to hide his identity? I think this cannot be an element of discriminates toward the South Korean people, but when terrorism event happened in Britain, they were announced that they are English originally from Pakistan. We shouldn't only hate the murderers, we should look at the meaning behind the event. Even if someone slaughtered people and people just accused this murderer we wouldn't solve the real problem. It is a society that makes up the criminal. So I think if we blame on only the criminal without seeing contents of the fact behind, we cannot reach to the solution.

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