Friday, 29 June 2012

First Time Being In India Part 5(20120302 Satoshi Date’s Supper club in Delhi) /初めてのインド Part5 (サトシダテのサパークラブ) in English/ in 日本語


Recipe note by M.M

We did the supper club by Satoshi Date at M.M ‘s restaurant.  There are about 12people joined the dinner. We made Okonomiyaki, Baked Fish, Tohu, Chirashi zushi, dumpling, Japanese style soup and dessert. As many Indian guests got used to spicy food, I was afraid that they were not happy about food, but they seem to enjoy the dinner a lot. Some of them asked us to cook more Okonomiyaki. I was so glad. We put my music and film on the wall to create Satoshi Date world in Delhi, how nice… 

-------Japanese / 日本語

サトシ・ダテプレゼンツ サパークラブをM.Mのレストランで行う。12人ほどが招かれる。お好み焼き、焼き魚、豆腐、チラシ寿司、餃子、日本風のスープとデザートを作る。ほとんどのインド出身のゲストは強いスパイスの食べ物に慣れていると思ったので、口に合うかどうか心配だったがとてもおいしいと言ってくれた、とくにお好み焼きはおかわりを沢山頼まれた。とても嬉しかった。ぼくの音楽と映像を店で流してサトシ・ダテワールドをデリーで作り出せたことに感謝しました。

Thursday, 28 June 2012

High Brand?Meaningless Cost for your life / ハイブランド? 人生に意味のないコスト in English/日本語 in Japanese

 My friend is working in Prada now, and she just told me that she doesn’t think that 1000Pounds Prada bag doesn’t seem to have any meaning to the person who would buy.

I just realised about High Fashion Brand.  You know in Japan, there are many teenager buy Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton accessories, perhaps they don't know what they are, who is the designer, what is the concept etc. It is trendy and get a status, so they buy. High class people might be annoyed the fact that teenagers are wearing the, but, what is the difference between them?

Yes there are good quality and good design product, but at the end most of the time, they are paying for ridiculous amount of money with low quality items just to show off. I understand they love their brand and they are paying for brand, but most of the items do not have quality, especially they are mass produced. If the teenager do not have taste, same as everyone. People are just manipulated by media, they don't know what is the good quality. Same as art, music all the entertainment works...  Yes that is the issue nowadays.

They don't know what is good or bad. We are more going to the artificial box. how to avoid this? Be intellgent, thoughful, careful and getting the great eyes(senses), to distinguish what is what.

--------Japanese translation 日本語訳 

ハイファッションブランドについて思ったのだけれど、日本では若い子たちがグッチやプラダやルイ・ヴィトンに身を包める。彼らはいったいそれ が何なのか、デザイナーがだれなのか、コンセプトが何かも知らないで買っているだろう。 トレンディーでステータスを示すから買うのだろう。ハイクラスの 人たちは若者が自分と同じものを着ていることに不快感を抱くかもしれないが、彼らの間に違いなんてあるのだろうか?

もちろん中には質とデザインが良いものもある、けれどほとんどの場合、クオリティーの低いものに多くのお金を支払っている、た だ見せびらかすだけに。もちろんそのブランドのものを買いたいという意思はわかる。ブランドにお金をはらっているのだから。けれど殆どのデザインは質なん てない、特に大量生産されたものは。若者にセンスがないのなら上流階級の人間も一緒だ。メディアに人は洗脳されて、なにが本当に質があるものかわかってい ない。アートでも音楽でもあらゆるエンターテイメントの作品も。今ある問題はそこにあるかもしれない。

どうやってこれを防ぐか。 知的に、考え深く、ものを見極める鋭い眼(5感)を身につけることだ。

Saturday, 23 June 2012

First Time Being In India Part 4(20120301)  初めてのインドPart 4(20120301) In English/ in 日本語

I was a bit tired of noisy city already, M.M’s restaurant was in Hauz Khas village, and I found out there is a nice park and monument there. I could relax there. I could not believe there is such a place in Delhi. Some Indian tourist, high school students, lonely boy just sit down at the window of the monument.

 In the village there was a organic(?) Café was there, it costs fortune compare to other café in Delhi. Seems like it is run by young people and there were some foreigners. It looked studenty, but I guess some young people who are clever make nice designed café and make money here from foreigners or tourist.

騒がしいデリの町に少々疲れてきた。M.MのレストランはHauz Khas villageにある。ここにとても落ち着いた遺跡と公園があることを発見する。ここでぼくはリラックスできた。デリーにこんな場所があるとは思いもしなかった。インド人の観光客や学生、一人で遺跡の窓に腰掛ける男の子。


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Have to be cautious / 何事も注意深く 2012/06/20


Anything you do, you have to be cautious, then your risk can be minimum and you will learn many things from them.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

First Time Being In India Part 3(2012-02-29)  初めてのインドPart 3 (2012-02-29) In English/ in 日本語

Cars, they speak, people in India seem like they do not know how to use the car. Somehow the cars do not look like cars.. like living animals.. or it just look like different device. Whatever we offer to Indian people they don’t use them as how the other normal people use. Architecture,,,even, it looks like, ok we will put something on top, that will do. 

The craziness is going on everywhere. Everything looks chaos but it is working with harmony… that is quite amazing. Like the cars, they beep each other constantly, yes no stop in a day time. They even do as a politeness? And they seem like they are trying to hit each other, yes they have bruise and scars everywhere, but it seems like there are not so many accident… even to me. 

They are trying to mess up the queue but never try to hit they, they don’t go out from the cars and “hey you! What you are doing! “ like in England… there is no argument, no shouting, just beeping. In a way quite gentle communication. 

I spent time in the G(textile designer)’s studio. Designed and start making some toiles. Later one of the staff member of G drove me off to the station by motor cycle. I found that many Indian prefer to have a big size motor bike that also reminds me 70-80’s Japan.  I saw a big Hindu monument or temple on the way, made me realised I am in India.



列を乱すが、ぶつけたりはしない。車から出てきて「おまえ、なんのつもりだ!」なんて罵声を浴びせることもない。イギリスで起きる様な事は… 喧嘩も、怒鳴りあいもない。ただ「ビー!」っと鳴らしあうだけ。ある意味では礼儀のあるコミュニケーションだ。


Friday, 15 June 2012

First Time Being In India (2nd day-2/2) Part 2  初めてのインド(2日目-2/2) Part 2 In English/ in 日本語

M.M took me to the local restaurant, I saw a McDonald full of foreigners. Apart from that I cannot see anything familiar. All the buildings are chaotic, it seems like they build another floors without plan on top of each other. So some parts are sticking out and some parts are pushed back. I thought by M 3-4 earth quake can destroy all the buildings easily…

Local restaurant was quite good, reminds me a Kebab shop in UK, cheap table, a man near the cashier relaxing and sitting leaning on his one arm on the desk, looking outside. From the outside keep hearing the car noise. No door in this place, quite hot, but inside is chilled. didn’t expect how the proper Indian food like. It was very cheap, later she took me to the textile designer’s studio. It was quite far away.

Every time we go somewhere by auto-rickishaw, the driver rip us off. M.M was always irritated about this, but she always pay what they demand. There was a guy who opens the gate for us, I bet he is just there opening the gate all day. The place was gathered by a few designers and artist. Italian product designer, an English furniture designer were there. If you go through the exhibition space, there is a big garden with a small swimming pool. Met a textile designer, M.M was ordering some clothes from him and she was dealing with it. There was a hand weaving machine and a couple industrial sewing machines, pattern cutting table. The designer was funny and friendly guy. We talked for a while and decided to do some projects together, so I needed to come a couple days there to design works with him.

We go back to the town, M.M took me to Hauz Khas Village. She runs a unique restaurant there, I said hi to some of the stuff. There is a clothes shop where she works with a fashion designer. We went to a long established restaurant. Then we discussed what we are going to make at an event we are going to do at her restaurant. Japanese food dinner party! We later went to the food market.

“Hello, Madam” all the stuff in the shop knows M.M well. We bought a lot of staff. There were all kinds of vegetables and there were some Japanese vegetable as well, that made me surprised. Various kinds for fruit, strange looking but looks tasty or disgusting and Japanese Shiitake and Shimeji and so on. The owner asked us if we want chai or not in English, he brought chai in two small cups. This was quite funny.






町にもどってHauz Khas VillageにあるM.Mの経営する洒落たレストランにいき、何人かと挨拶する、横には彼女が働くファッション・デザイナーのお店がある。そのあと老舗のレストランにいく。そこで先ほどのレストランで企画している日本食のイベントのレシピについて二人で考え、フードマーケットに食材を買いにでかける。

「Hello, Madam」といきつきのお店の店員たちにはM.Mは顔見知りのようだ、ぼくらは大量に買い物をする。イギリスのマーケットよりも食材が豊富で日本のものもたくさんあったのが驚きだった。見た感じすべて新鮮なもので埋め尽くされていた。あらゆる種類のフルーツ、見たことがないがおいしそうなもの、奇怪なもの、日本のシイタケ、シメジなどなど。オーナーがチャイほしいですかと英語で聞いてきてどこからか、出来立てのチャイを小さなカップに入れて持ってきてくれた、これはちょっとおもしろかった。

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

First Time Being In India (2nd day-1/2) Part 2  初めてのインド(2日目-1/2) Part 2 In English/ in 日本語


Woke up, M.M was sleeping, A brought a breakfast and walked to the university. The university I had to have a lecture. It was very very close to the house, which is quite funny.. my friend’s friend house and the university I have contacted from Uk was just 500m away…

Walked down, very nice weather(in fact no rains in whole trip from then). Concrete wall everywhere, chanting some religious songs I could hear from neighbours garden. People on the street selling street foods. Somehow the atmosphere reminded me Japan, maybe 70’s or maybe 50’s. Relaxing and everything moving slowly (although the cars rushing).

Arrived in Uni. Doesn’t look like design institute at all. No students. I said bye to A. I asked people where the professor is. There were many cleaner. Cleaning floor and table thoroughly, but not the wall. They seem not to understand my English. So I stayed. Feel a bit uncomfortable, but pretend that I am ok. When I look at walls and sofa, they are actually extremely dirty. Like they never cleaned for 30years… pigoun’s poof everywhere. They seem that they clean everyday with 10 - 20people but only the surface… very strange.. I start feeling this inefficient India.. From that time.

I thought they forgot about me, but I was in a wrong place, when I entered the class there were 30-40 people there. Old pc and screen was there. I connected to my pc and start talking to the students. This was the first time lecturing in English, somehow did better than I thought. I guess that is the difference between English and Japanese. It is strange that they are all Indian but they understand English. I know some Indian’s first language is English. I did 1 and half hour lecture and answered some questions from them.

I went back A’s house, there is a door keep man in front of the house, door keep man but very relaxed, sitting with his little daughter. Man is very thin and he seems that he is always there. I immediately felt cultural difference in here. Man who doesn’t speak English staying in front of the house as a guard all day and everyday, and under his chair, a little baby was rolling around.

-----------Japanese 日本語 2012-02-28

目が覚める。M.Mは寝ていた。Aが朝ごはんを持ってきてくれる。そして大学までつれていってくれた。僕が講演を頼まれた大学だった。その家からほんとうに近かった。面白いことにイギリスから連絡した、大学が彼の家から500mしか離れていなかった。 とてもいい天気で(結局僕がインド滞在中雨は一度も降らなかった)、ゆっくり道を歩く。コンクリートの壁がいたるところにある。宗教的なゆっくりした詩の合唱が近所の庭から聞こえる。男たちが道で食べ物を売っている。なぜかこの風景や雰囲気が日本を思い出させた。70年代、50年代の日本みたいだ。リラックスしてすべてがゆっくり動いているようだ(車だけはせわしないが)




Tuesday, 5 June 2012

First Time Being In India 2012 Feb 27th - Part 1  初めてのインド 2012年2月27日~ Part 1 In English/ in 日本語


in English >

Arrived at the airport in Delhi in India. My friend M.M who I haven’t seen each other for 3 years was going to pick me up from the airport. I was waiting for her for 3-40min. I thought we had missed each other, but she was buying the simcard of the mobile at the shop, she seemed like nothing was happening. It was very her how she was. I asked “where were you?” she was waiting for me so she seemed to be a bit upset, perhaps.

I hugged her as we haven’t seen each other for a while. She gave me a simcard, but I told her my mobile is not unlocked and cannot use in India. I thought it was better buying a mobile, but the mobile in India costs a lot, not like in the UK like 5-10pounds for the cheapest mobile. M.M’s friends were waiting for us in the car. I said hi and got on the car. I haven’t gone to the trip long time. I remember how it was like when I was travelling in the Europe, but I am in India. Asia…

They drove so fast, seems like they were rushing for something. Cars are getting more crowded. Cars are so close to us or we go closer to them, car horn sounds getting louder. Why they are so speeding? I was a bit surprised, but I found that is normal here in India. Her friend called D got off on the way. I stayed at a guy called A and when we arrived his house, there were Austrian couple. It was a basement, 5-6futon was on the floor, I wondered how many people are staying this house. I found that this is A’s parents house. I tried not to put tap water into my mouth and gave a greeting to new people and sleep on the floor.





