Friday, 21 March 2014

Feedback of "Satoshi Dáte Textile Manipuration" at Chubu fashion College / 中部ファッション専門学校 「Satoshi Dáte テキスタイルマニピュレーション」 感想

It was first time for me to make textile by myself, and also it was very new to me. Because when I make clothes I simply think about the style. For making damages to the textiles, I burned, wrapped the textile on the stones and through it. It was unusual to do this to me. When I burn different type of materials,have got very interesting results for each. It was very difficult to create cloths with those materials which I made.

I couldn't find good idea easily. I think I should watch various things at all times. It was good to know other classmate’s view, to see other classmate’s works in a joint review in the end of this class. I would like to bring this experience useful for my work in the future.  

In Japanese-



I learned a lot of different ways of approach to make textiles from your class today.
I realised that textiles can be alive when it becomes “works” such as clothes or bags.
To create textiles, I found that it is important to develop in innovative ways such as burning, throwing. I think I need to see many interesting places and things, then consider carefully what to deal with ideas next. Those experiences will be my design source for me in the future.

 After this class, I started to think what I should do to be a fashion designer. It might be hard to keep thinking of design always, but actually it’s important for me now and it is difficult.

In Japanese-



Everything I have done in this class was all new to me. I got confused as it is hard to organize and imagine. Open English-Japanese dictionary randomly, chose three words. And taken pictures, from that we made textile, and designing. When I design clothes, in the first there is a theme, the second drawing, and the third decide a title. So, it was very difficult for me to do Satoshi’s processes as it was reverse version of what I do. It means that I don’t have any flexible approaches. From now, I try to think reversed way and to see things from various points of view.

I like fashion design although I started interested in designing accessories and iphone case. When you design those items, what kind of software are you using?

I found different ways of seeing things from this class, I would continue being more open minded. Thank you very much.

In Japanese-

という事は、自分は柔軟な発想力が無いのだと分かりました。なのでこれからは、逆から考えてみたりいつもの視点とはちがう見方をしたりと工夫していきたいです。また私は、ファッションのデザインも好きですがアクセサリーやiPhone ケースなどのデザインもやってみたいと思っています。そういった物のデザインを描くときはどういうソフトを使っているのですか?


It is difficult to do something which I haven’t done before.
To create new methods, I shall try to think about ideas and do drawings in daily life,
I think I should act according to what interests me.
I’m going to fronowhere.

In Japanese-


It was a great stimulation for me to listen to a real voice from a fashion designer not on the TV.

I have more desire to go and study abroad near future. I am interested in arty stuff now and being freelance designer rather than work as a designer in the company which I was always wishing to be. My ideal designer is, not only create something new but also meet the demand and concept. I don’t want to be a self-complacency designer.

So, I was very glad to meet Mr. Dáte and it will be a good memory for me.
One day, I would like be a successful designer like Mr. Dáte. I couldn't get good idea easily today, had hard time in this project. But, it was very unique opportunity as for me, to try to create something new is the most important and exciting in my life.

In Japanese-




I hadn't made up my mind yet which course I should chose next term. ( design course or pattern cutting course ) After taking your workshop, I finally decided to choose design course.

I really enjoyed in your class!! I enjoyed drawing as well. Because I haven’t had a chance to observe little details of flowers and drew before. To remake textiles from my collection of materials was also interesting to me. I could make my own textile as I wanted, but it was difficult for me to design clothes from textile. I should have a lot of practice for drawing very fast.

It was interesting to hear your deep view of fashion.
This time, I has to use my brain a lot of ,so I was a little bit tired, but I really enjoyed it.

In Japanese-




Monday, 10 March 2014

Classical Concert Duo Recital, Veronika Kopjova and Vashti Hunter.クラシックコンサートヴェロニカ&ヴァシュティ2014/03/08

                                                                Drawing by Satoshi Dáte
Drawing Titles:
Vashti Hinter at Rosselynhill Playing Bunraku 1980
Vashti and Veronica Plays Benjamim Briitten Sonata for Cello and Piano Op65

Went to my friend classical concert in the chapel in Hampstead. Piano and cello, as soon as they start playing my past memory came back. My mother is violist. She took me to her concert when I was a child, just because she doesn’t want let me alone in the house, or she just wanted me to show what she does. In my memory, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. 

We went to the early dinner and we go to church or chapel. Unusual for us, the church in Japan. And I walk around and discover European air in the building before she started play. Always excited to see my mum plays.  I concentrate more than the concert she had taken. 
The eco of the instrument comes out and fill the space, all the soul comes into their instruments. Special moment. I don’t know why people don’t come to these kinds of concert… yes classic, sometimes difficult to understand, different from Rock/Pop, but you will be able to understand their language if you just listen to it for a while…


僕の記憶のなかで、彼女は最も美しい女性だった。 早めの夕食に連れて行ってもらい、教会に向かう。教会なんて日本では珍しい。彼女が演奏するまで建物の中のヨーロッパの空気を歩きながら探索して味わう。彼女が演奏するのはいつも楽しみだった。母が連れて行ってくれたコンサートよりもずっと集中して聴く事ができた。

楽器からの反響が空間を埋める。魂が楽器へと吸い込まれていく。特別な一時。 ぼくは何でこういったコンサートに人は足を向けないのかわからない。クラシック音楽。もちろん人によっては理解できないかもしれない。ポップでもロックでもないから。けれど耳を傾けて聴き始めれば、彼らの言語が難しいものでない事がわかると思う。

Sunday, 2 March 2014

England is meting down.(Law control us) イギリスの崩壊(法律によるコントロール)in English/日本語 2014/03/02

Went to dinner party of my Bulgarian friend. 3years I haven’t seen her, and her friends were there. I haven’t seen them for around 8 years. With another Jamaican lady we talked about how the law controls people in the U.K.

Now the pregnant women cannot drink in public. She was saying this is against human right. I guess the law wants to control other pregnant women not to encourage drinking. Well, then if not public it is fine?
There are many ununderstandable laws in England. There are 400,000 CCTV camera is only in London. It seems like people who make this laws are not thinker. The problems always occur in the society constantly, but they just create more problems or not to see what is going on by putting the lid on the smelly pot.

In the different culture sometimes even under the same law, people react differently.
 People cross the street even there is red pedestrian light on and if there is not car in the U.K.. I saw police officer was doing not.( there was elderly shaking his head by seeing it). So, it is to do with your own risk, but in a way you might influence children to cross the road without thinking. 
When I was Japan last December, I saw a guy crossing the street while the red light was on, Police was right there. “ Mr, it is RED light!” he said.
In Japan most of people follow that even there is no traffic at all. Perhaps Enlgish people might think that is silly.

Law protects us yes, but law sometimes pressure us and don’t give any choices or freedom. It is more challenging that each of us try to sort the problems out ourselves. We don’t kill people it is not because there is a life sentences. There are people murder, because it is not just law is not strict enough.

Rule of the country also create their culture. Many immigrants are coming to the U.K. ,but I am pretty sure as 70,000 British are leaving from their country every year, sooner or later immigrants also leave here as they hate this too much control of humanity.  I guess people who making this decision don’t know what they are doing. It will be horrified world if the entire countries’ law going crazy. Like you can only breathe 2,000,000times a day or you are not allow to sleep more than 8 hours a day.

It sound ridiculous, but there are for sure many crazy laws compare to back the old time. Surely there are crazy law like in Uganda you cannot be GAY and you will have life prison…
I think it is up to us to create our own world, but law is also the key of it.



 理解の出来ない法律が沢山イギリスにはある。 40万ものCCTVカメラがロンドンに設置されている。 法律を作る人たちはよほど考えていないように思える。問題は社会のなかで常に表れる、けれども法律によって、くさい鍋に蓋をするように問題を増やしている、もしくは見ないふりをしているようにも見える。

イ ギリスでは赤信号でも人は車がなければわたる。警察官まで赤信号を平気で渡っているのをみたことがある。(隣に居たご老人は残念そうに首を横に振ってい た)。 だからこれは自分がリスクを負うことを覚悟で行動すればよいということだろうか? ただこの行動によって、子供が赤信号でも渡るようになるだろう。



 法律は確かにぼくらを守っている。けれどそれは圧力として、ときに、自由と選択を奪う。自分たち自ら問題を解決することができればそれはまた挑戦となる。僕らは無期懲役があるから人を殺さないわけではない。 殺人を犯す人間がいるのは法律が緩いからではない。


