Monday, 25 October 2010

‘Routes of Being’ Concept by Satoshi Date in English / 日本語

‘Routes of Being’
Satoshi Date

Life paths are only created in the past; hindsight maps the steps that were taken forwards. Future life paths can only be predictable for those controlled by the bondage of a system; by following the beaten track. If you think you know your destiny you may just follow steps to that eventuality, but where is the fun in that? You would likely be missing out on countless amazing experiences that you could have claimed.
If the mind remains free from the constraints of our society’s limitations and control, the spirit can roam freely beyond the boundaries imposed by others and embraced by the masses. Operating outside of the safety net can pose many difficulties with regard to being accepted by society but it also welcomes a plethora of fresh and exciting possibilities and opportunities.
Liberation of the self from the inevitability of fate is the only way to do this. Your life path is our life path. If you create your own choice you are also contributing to where we are going. You probably think that your future pathway lies somewhere along roads already traveled but if you build your own chosen pathway you can create your own future and new roads for others to follow, or inspire them to form their own. There are no restrictions if infinite possible pathways for the future are created.

Fashion Show

A contemporary & conceptual look at how life paths interweave and the influence and exchange of one human to another. Exploring positive, negative and neutral characteristics and visualizing the notions of love, friendship, joy and conflict.
The garments will transform as models interact when their paths meet.
Challenging peoples' perceptions about their own futures and their influence on the fortunes of others and offering them the possibility of choosing their own destiny as opposed to resigning themselves to fate's inevitable course.


ルーツ・オブ・ビーング (Routes of Being)
Satoshi Date (サトシ・ダテ) 

人生の道は過去を振り返る時のみ確認する事ができ、これらは足跡が残した後知恵の地図に過ぎない。未来に続く道は既に形成されている、そして他者によってすでに踏みならされ統括されている道を歩もうとする場合にのみ予測が可能である。もし自分の運命を知っていると思うのならば、これからの行動は単純に決められた終焉へと続くステップに従って歩いているだけだといえるだろう。しかし、そのどこに楽しみを見いだせようか? 経験できたであろう無数の貴重な体験を見逃してしまっているだろう。



Image : Distance and procedure of life - create the life path by own feet.
Date: 5th sept 2010
by Satoshi Date

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Amelia's Magazine

Please check out my recent Fashion Exhibition images and review by Amelia's Magazine.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Satoshi Date New Collection 'Routes of Being' Fashion Show

I have a fashion show during London Fashion Week on 18th of September 2010.
And the latest information has been uploaded on my blog

If you are interested in coming to my show, please follow my blog and complete the form below then send it to You will get the chance to win a fashion show ticket - do not miss out !!!
Even if you miss these tickets we will give you information about attending exhibition on the 19th and 20th.

Title: Request for Ticket, .

Full Name :
E-mail Address :
Occupation :
Please let us know if you do not wish to be updated. :

From time to time we may contact you with information about forthcoming exhibitions and shows.
We will never sell or pass on your information or contact details to any other party.

Best regards,
Satoshi Date



この度、London Fashion Week にて、新作コレクションのショーを開催致します。
最新情報は随時ブログ にアップしておりますので、是非遊びにいらしてください。


E-Mail :
職業 :
今後もSatoshi Dateの最新ニュースメール送信を希望されますか? :


Satoshi Date

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Hackney Wicket 2010(English&日本語)

I went to Hackney Wicked(Hackney Wick Festival). Very close to where I live.
I missed last year. It was so nice, I thought festival is so small as I did not know how huge the area is.

Hackney Wick is famous as artists area, there are many buildings and studios where people live together.I met so many of my old friends. Ex flat-mate’s friends about 7people, Artist living in Dalston, my neighbour,Video editors. Seeing them again made me very happy. It seems like re-union party!

It was more like music live/ club party. On the top of the building, Reggae music plays so loud,,, I wonder people who live here are not annoyed or not… It seems like whole area is doing party.
Interesting one is music playing from the 1st floor where there is no wall. Atmosphere was fantastic, too.Small cannel, modern building and very old building, ruins…. !


家の近くで、去年逃したので最後の日でしたがぎりぎりで足を運びました。 フェスティバルは結構小さいのかと思ったのですが。意外にとても広く、いたるところにで音楽が演奏されていました。



Monday, 2 August 2010



Why Chinese people run a business abroad with using other countries culture? Do you know a restaurant chain called Miso? I thought Japanese, but only MISO soup and teriyaki is Japanese and apart from that is all Cantonese or Chinese food…
I wonder people come back again… this is cheating!! I know Chinese are good at business, but yes Wagamama!!!I thought Japanese ,too. When I ate there, Ra-men is not Ra-men, its just Chinese noodle! Different!!
Then more I shocked was… I was going to buy a nice recipe book for my friend’s mother in Devon. I found WAGAMAMA book in Japanese recipe book shelf in Waterstone… OH MY GOD.
Another funny story. My friend who is CHEF( yes I am talking about you), went to Wagamama, he asked many things about Japanese stock, spice etc.
as he was educated by me, but waiter did not seem to be able to answer all his questions… He finally found all the food he ordered was not Japanese. And he shouted at waiter and he did not pay any penny and he was able to leave….
Why Japanese people are not good at run big business in other countries? I mean interms of food, clothes… only Muji and Uniqulo.. but it is kinda Chinese anyway…. (produced in China) or maybe they want to keep the quality?
But I never had great Japanese food here in London with budget of 10-15 Pounds
(It is horrible food they are searving even they are Real Japanese restaurant .maybe I am useless as I cannot afford more for food)
I want to see Japan which they keep the quality and tradition but they are introducing widely into the world.



僕はてっきり日本人が経営しているものだと思い込んでいたが、実際は味噌汁と照り焼き以外はすべて広東料理と中華料理ばかり。何度も足を運ぶ人がいることが信じられない!これは詐欺だ。。。 中国人がうまいビジネスをすることはもちろん知っていたけれど。。。

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Crazy neighbour left 迷惑な隣人去る(English&日本語)

--- crazy neighbour left

My next door has left recently. They were typical council flat family
( although the flat is not council house)
Screaming, fighting, loud music almost everyday,through rubbish to our gardens more and more… They were evicted after 6month of a court case.

BUT where do they go?
It ll be the same and their next door will have the same issue.
I just wonder… I should have visit them and talk to them.
Especially children… they were not actually bad, but trained to be bad by parents.
Now the house is reformed. Nicer much nicer .. no bad energy



彼らは典型的なtypical council family、つまり市から保護を受けている低所得家庭だった。
(家の建物自体はcouncil houseではあるが個人で借りている家のようだ。80年代に低所得住宅を売買できるようになったため) 


Monday, 19 July 2010

A design of trees 木々の模様(English&日本語)

A design of trees

Leaving the classroom where there is no one.
I left the classroom where nobody is.

The shadow of the trees, which just wave calmly and travel nowhere, call me to my way home.
The road it is enough to walk for me, drawn by their brothers.
I am drawn toward a record shop. As if my lovers are waiting for me. Fragrant of foreign country, sound.

The fresh scent of love is always there.
A little bit frightened, but extremely warm wind wraps my whole body.
Where were those days gone?

The Sundays - Joy 


静かに揺れるだけで どこにも旅に出かけない木々の影が、僕を家路へと呼びかける。


The Sundays - Joy 

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Lion King in London(ENGLISH&日本語)

I went to Lion King staff leaving Party. The most successful Theatre plays in London. There were full of South African People. I have not actually seen the show, so it is quite strange to see the inside of it. I felt just a normal people around. The Lion Queen was very easy to talk, she is from Sri Lanka and she will go back and try to open the theatre play school. She wants to introduce English way of teaching skills. Some actor and actress quit the job completely and they quit the acting as well. It is encourage to hear the story of Lion Queen actress, to use the skill to make another project to gain other skills or encourage others to join the same field.



Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Third-generation Japanese-English; James Iha 日系3世 ジェームス・イハ(English&日本語)

This made me so surprised so I posted it.
There is a song that James Iha(from Smashing Pumpkins) offered Chara(Japanese Artist). He also participated in the music video.
Sounds really the Smashing Pumpkins!
It makes me confuse whether Billy influences Jemes or Jemes influences Billy after I have listened to this music.
Though I think that this is a taste of James at least.
I feel a little that a song “skirt” sounds Billy taste.
What was the problem between James Iha and Billy? They seemed to have a fight before their band broken up.

Chara - Skirt

Reflect me

James Iha ジェームス・イハがチャラに提供した曲 本人もPVに 参加。


すくなくても はジェームスのテイストだと思うけど。スカート(曲)はちょっとビリーなかんじが?

Chara - スカート


Thursday, 3 June 2010

ルーシー・ブラックマンについて About Lucie Blackman (日本語&English)


Why Japanese people hide the fact. 10years ago, Lucie Blackman, who was an English girl, was murdered by a Japanese guy. It was about 6 years later since I came in England, I found an article on the newspaper about the murderer. According to this, his nationality is South Korean. But it wasn’t reported at all in media in Japan. Why does they need to hide his identity? I think this cannot be an element of discriminates toward the South Korean people, but when terrorism event happened in Britain, they were announced that they are English originally from Pakistan. We shouldn't only hate the murderers, we should look at the meaning behind the event. Even if someone slaughtered people and people just accused this murderer we wouldn't solve the real problem. It is a society that makes up the criminal. So I think if we blame on only the criminal without seeing contents of the fact behind, we cannot reach to the solution.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Women are pure and Men are dirty? 女性は清らかで、男性は汚れている? (English & 日本語)

As an image, woman is the icon of beauty, pure, grace, beautiful and giving love to people. Man is strong, protecting family, working and training to develop inner mind for his life.
This is just my image. I am sure other people have different image for both.The men’s image which could be roughness, wildness, strength and women’s pure and clean image, both of them use them as their weapon and shield.
Prostitution or some sort, there are many on internet, because it can be good business.Perhaps, men are not wild(dirty) or women are pure, but those people try to expand the image and play the game with those tools. An woman who feels pleasure because she is going to be dirtier or A man who feels good to make women dirty.
To break the image of pureness that is the act of destroy, so they feel pleasure. They want to connect sexual idea with them. Human beings need that stimulation so much?
If they can step back and see themselves very carefully. They will realise that sex is not that dirty, they create the image of dirtiness and forbidden idea of sex by their tools. If there is a love, sex is no longer dirty or forbidden.

風俗や性を売る商売。お金になるからインターネットにもはびこる。欲求を売り物にして。男性は汚くもなく、女性も清らかでもないのかもしれない。でもそれを大げさにし、男性と女性でゲームをプレイしている様。 自身が汚れることに快感を持つ女性、汚れているものが自分の世界に入る快感。汚れさせることに快感を持つ男性。

*Painting Details*
Title: women&men
Media: acrylics,ink,crayon and silk on paper
by Satoshi Date

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The first fashion promotion video what i have directed! 初監督ファッションプロモーションビデオ!(English & 日本語)

I have directed first promotion video on Youtube.
Please have a look and leave a comment.

uploaded my new video on my youtube >
HD quality >


HD デフニシャンはこちら→

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Support for our life 人生の手引き (English & 日本語)

I don think all the things it says here could be helpful for us but I quite like it. It might be nice to listen sometimes.
Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
with English subtitle
Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen! (Original + English Subtitles)

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen! (Original + English Subtitles)

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Rufas Theatre/ London Report

My friend has got a free ticket of a theatre play(opera) at Sadler's Wells. Rufas Wainwrights is the composer of this play. I am not big fan of him, but I like this song. I do not really like how he performs… better just listen to the music.
The show was really horrible. Last song was quite nice, but the story was not impressive… well everything was not the greatest…. I would say 32 out of 100… I do not think Rufus is very popular but it makes people understand he does opera… I felt a limitation of pop singer does something different… like Johh Greenwood does classical piece. Probably I might do in the future (classic even if I am not trained at all ) but sometimes we should be in the position we should be,,, well people will judge anyway… I just do not like the idea to advertise some show just because pop singer composed… I think direction or writing is more important on theatre… This was the most boring opera I have ever seen.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


When I was walking on the street, a middle aged English guy come towards me and saying “you are looking like a fucking poof!” then he grab my arms. “you look like a poof” I was like… “poof?” and he said poof! Then he walked away as he thought I m stupid or don’t understand English. Certainly I did not understand, he was right. I kind of knew what that means. I used dictionary later. poof , poof.
POOF/puf/ noun (BrE) ! slang) an offensive word for a HOMOSEXUAL man
I was wearing. Purple trousers, black jacket, black and white scarf, glasses and colourful umbrella. Is this make people think I am gay? If he said “look like” probably he thought I am not, but look like..

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

English Pub lunch

English food is horrible, that is the reputation in the world, but I went very nice pub restaurant where is on broadway market in East London. It is popular place so I went Sunday lunch time. We ordered sausages and blue cheese mash with bread and grilled sea bass. Just came back from Japan, and was afraid to come back because of food, but I actually felt that I had not had nice lunch as this for a long time, so what did I eat in Japan??? I guess I’ ve already forgotten. Nice at home atmosphere, slightly dark but doesn’t bother me. Every time I come these kind of nice places, I always want my family to be here. I found most of the waitress and waiter are Thai, perhaps chef is also Thai? Thai people cook English food.
Dub pub