Sunday, 19 January 2014

Met an art photographer, Koji Takiguchi写真家、滝口 浩史に会う 2012/05/18 in English/Japanese

Met a photographer called Koji Takiguchi who taught me design long time ago.
A teacher from the same prep school where he works told me about him. I said to the teacher I always have been skeptical about how the educational process in art works in Japan.

Then she said I should contact to Takiguchi who has connection with Tokyo Art Uni and discussed about it with them. He also connected to Yoshiaki Irobe who also concern about what I think.

In Japan, You need to study at prep school for preparation to getting to the art university. In Europe, the examiner check the portfolio of a year work and see the person as a whole. I think it is hard to see everything of the examinee by one drawing.  I could not pass the exam of Tokyo Art Uni but Central St. Martins which has a good reputation in the world accepted me. This can explain that examining system is not good in Japan.

I met him in Shinjyuku after a long time not seeing each other. His photography works are acknowledged in Europe and New York and having his own show a couple times.
“My works? Do you want to see? It is heavy though”
His works contains “death”. His wife’s mother in the hospital waiting for dying. Her father also. A photograph that her mother and her laying on the same bed, with sad face and smile face.
I don’t find the death is not important event. I don’t find shocking. But I knew this would be shocking for others.
There are not so many art works with family’s death. So it was Japanese, and fresh for them. Galleries were not so interested in his other works which can be European style.  

If you don’t create something Japanese, you won’t be recognized in art world, or they are just labeling Japanese artist as a “Japanese BRAND”
Even the most successful(????) Takashi Murakami or Yoshitomo Nara, they think they are successful and receiving loads of money, but they are controlled by western stage which has no audiences. I could see in a certain way of viewing.
Are there any true audiences who really appreciate art? Art nowadays is just shocking and nothing inside. They don’t try to see it. Art War.  People are so happy to see the shocking news. Creatures which looks like human sitting in the sofa and have no passions.

Takiguchi is successful but the income from art is not so great. Only limited no, he can produce prints, and also the photography book limited up to 1000copies. He cannot survive without working in the prep school.
I believe that prep-school makes Japanese art bad.
If the educational structure is right in Japan now, there must be amazing artist in the world everywhere. Well, someone might say world is not the basic or standard. Then Japan should close the country. When we were closing the country, in Edo Era, we have a great reputation about Ukiyoe, theatre works in the world. I feel that because of western influence, we have confused mixed art without direction. I think Japanese people should go abroad and study western art within their culture not in Japan and pretend that they learned from Europe.

In the reality, He works as a tutor in prep-school, then the earning from there, he creates his art.
I think the problem is not that even the successful artist have difficulty living in the world, but there is a system to make artist and people that is the real reality.  I believe that is wrong.

Dreamer, I, cannot be understood by people living in Japan.

昔デザインを教えて頂いた写真家、滝口 浩史に会う。

彼と同じ予備校で教える先生と話を数日前にし、僕が今の美術予備校というもののあり方に疑問を感じているとはなしたら、そういう事も東京藝術大学の運営側と語り合っている滝口 浩史と会ってみたらという話になった。




成功(?)している村上隆もNara Yoshitomoも成功している気持ちでただお金が入ってきているだけで西洋の舞台で踊らされているだけなのかもしれない。ある切り口ではそうもみえる。





Thursday, 2 January 2014

Self Review of JaMaRt both in English/日本語

Satoshi Dáte x fronowhere x C7C

無意識、意識の融合により作り上げられるアートJaMaRt(ジャムアート) Satoshi Dáte x fronowhere x C7C  2013 in Nagoyaが終了しました。

FronowhereではSatoshi DáteFashion /Product作品をインスタレーションと一緒に展示させて頂きました。床にはJaMaRtの第7感を再現する7つの子供たちがフルーツと一緒に7日間寝泊りしました。訪問者はなにも知らず踏みつけ興味のある方は自らフルーツを踏み潰す快感と共に作品を染める事に感動したようです。


では無意識の世界とはなんでしょうか? 第六感 所謂直感や集合的無意識、人間が古来から持ち続けた感覚、第七感が深く関係する世界です。私はこの両方の世界の狭間を感じ取り、その空間の中で創造できるアーティストとして新しい可能性を表現しました。





Satoshi Dáte

In English

JaMaRt meeting point of consciousness and unconsciousness by Satoshi Dáte x fronowhere x C7C  2013 in Nagoya has been finished.

 At Fronowhere, Satoshi Dáte’s Fashion/Product items were displayed with my installation. On the floor, there were 7 items which representing 7 senses and various fruits with them, they were staying and sleeping 7 days at the venue. Visitors stepped on without noticing and some visitors intended to dye the items with their pleasure and interests.

At C7C, completed art works from fronowhere collaborated with beautiful books
and magazines which had been polished by calm time and space. They are in the air of
fruit scent.
At veranda, I’ve drawn pictures on the wall and floor with water based crayons. This
Performance also, many visitors joined to draw and erase. The rain collaborate with
the drawings in some days as well and reach the interesting unexpected result.

What kinds of intention and purpose within JaMaRt?

What is the world of consciousness? The world we are living and recognizable by our five senses. Then what is unconsciousness world? The world which is connected to the six senses, like intuitions and seven senses, the collective unconsciousness, the feeling or senses we have been having from the ancient era. I create the new possibility as I am an artist that can feel both worlds at the same time and make things in between.
 We live now the time which we can get anything we want, we are trapped by things mainly easy and comfortable. Human live with consciousness, but our consciousness are controlled by these things, and we seem we are feeling with consciousness but not.
I believe in unconsciousness world has the infinite energy. The coincidence, miracle, we can receive unknown power from there where we have been connected from long time ago.
But we cannot only live in the abstract, unconsciousness world. As we cannot create beautiful creations, connect and to be understood in non-abstract world which is “a real” world where we are living now.

Therefore, in JaMaRt, I and visitors can use these unconsciousness and consciousness, collaborate, and try to create this infinite possibility.

 People stepped JaMaRt with unconsciousness, ignorance and abstract mind. They didn’t even know they are participating to create art. I was feeling strange pleasure seeing the process of destroying the art.

 We need to destroy artworks sometimes in order to proceed further. We use the movement of unconsciousness when we do this.  Throwing the pigment on to a canvas and create a junction of the new possible directions. The power of unconsciousness exists there. And that unconsciousness is also related to abstract world and human creativities firmly.  People are conscious of believing in things they can see, and make things which is certain and is able to be in the frames, but as there is a “frame” there is a limitation in the things which you can feel only with five senses.
 I think as people have been making physical things precious, it is hard for us to live and feel the unconsciousness and abstract world, however, we are able to create a “key” to build up our positive future if we could feel them.

It is important not only to live in the consciousness world, but to feel “consciousness” and “unconsciousness” and balance them and to believe the infinite creativity within.

 Thank you very much for coming all way down to JaMaRt and thank you for helping to complete this event Mr. Igarashi, FJ, TM, C7C Mr. Itou / Tane and all my supporters.

 I wish we can do JaMaRt vol.2 in Nagoya again.
Satoshi Dáte