Met a photographer called Koji Takiguchi who taught
me design long time ago.
A teacher from the same prep school where he works
told me about him. I said to the teacher I always have been skeptical about how
the educational process in art works in Japan.
Then she said I should
contact to Takiguchi who has connection with Tokyo Art Uni and discussed about
it with them. He also connected to Yoshiaki Irobe who also concern
about what I think.
In Japan, You need to study
at prep school for preparation to getting to the art university. In Europe, the
examiner check the portfolio of a year work and see the person as a whole. I
think it is hard to see everything of the examinee by one drawing. I could not pass the exam of Tokyo Art Uni
but Central St. Martins which has a good reputation in the world accepted me. This
can explain that examining system is not good in Japan.
I met him in Shinjyuku after
a long time not seeing each other. His photography works are acknowledged in
Europe and New York and having his own show a couple times.
“My works? Do you want to
see? It is heavy though”
His works contains “death”.
His wife’s mother in the hospital waiting for dying. Her father also. A
photograph that her mother and her laying on the same bed, with sad face and
smile face.
I don’t find the death is
not important event. I don’t find shocking. But I knew this would be shocking
for others.
There are not so many art
works with family’s death. So it was Japanese, and fresh for them. Galleries
were not so interested in his other works which can be European style.
If you don’t create
something Japanese, you won’t be recognized in art world, or they are just
labeling Japanese artist as a “Japanese BRAND”
Even the most
successful(????) Takashi Murakami or Yoshitomo Nara, they think they are
successful and receiving loads of money, but they are controlled by western
stage which has no audiences. I could see in a certain way of viewing.
Are there any true audiences
who really appreciate art? Art nowadays is just shocking and nothing inside. They
don’t try to see it. Art War. People are
so happy to see the shocking news. Creatures which looks like human sitting in
the sofa and have no passions.
Takiguchi is successful but
the income from art is not so great. Only limited no, he can produce prints,
and also the photography book limited up to 1000copies. He cannot survive
without working in the prep school.
I believe that prep-school
makes Japanese art bad.
If the educational structure
is right in Japan now, there must be amazing artist in the world everywhere.
Well, someone might say world is not the basic or standard. Then Japan should
close the country. When we were closing the country, in Edo Era, we have a
great reputation about Ukiyoe, theatre works in the world. I feel that because
of western influence, we have confused mixed art without direction. I think
Japanese people should go abroad and study western art within their culture not
in Japan and pretend that they learned from Europe.
In the reality, He works as
a tutor in prep-school, then the earning from there, he creates his art.
I think the problem is not
that even the successful artist have difficulty living in the world, but there is
a system to make artist and people that is the real reality. I believe that is wrong.
Dreamer, I, cannot be
understood by people living in Japan.
昔デザインを教えて頂いた写真家、滝口 浩史に会う。
彼と同じ予備校で教える先生と話を数日前にし、僕が今の美術予備校というもののあり方に疑問を感じているとはなしたら、そういう事も東京藝術大学の運営側と語り合っている滝口 浩史と会ってみたらという話になった。
成功(?)している村上隆もNara Yoshitomoも成功している気持ちでただお金が入ってきているだけで西洋の舞台で踊らされているだけなのかもしれない。ある切り口ではそうもみえる。