Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I was cut by knife. <夢>ナイフで切られた 2013/06/22(21night)

Vivid dream… so real.  I was selected by a project to do a sport day (Japanese style). I didn’t really want to do it, as I don’t know what to do. Without so much explanation, I had to stand with everyone on the ground. Put hands together and keep them high position then little move? Suddenly someone hit me with strange stick with brush on top. 

“you fuxxx lost”

He says, I had to be in the corner below the big white square tent, then he start shaving my hair.

 “you lost!” he says. I said “wait! I didn’t know the rule! And I just had a hair cut” he seems very pissed off. 

“You didn’t know the rule? You always like this. And I have told you have to do coach to the batter”
“the what?” I said

“You are supposed to help the batter”

Now I remember, when I was young, I had to do stand next to the batter and give an advice… I don’t know baseball much, how can I advise or cheering. I was shy boy and don’t even know how to hit the ball. How cruel this world, then everyone was complaining to me.
Then the chubby middle-aged guy was in the corner, he grasped a snappy knife, then he start shaving my hair.  

“OK, Ok but not with knife, use shaver!”

He started cutting my hands and neck.  I thought he was sexually attracted as he though I am masochist? When I held the knife so strong, his hand started bleeding, my anger start growing rapidly, 

then I shouted and kicked him. I woke up…

とても現実的な夢。リアルな夢。運動会に出なくてはいけないProjectに参加。よくわからなかったので参加したくなかった。 説明がとても少なく、ぼくは運動場で手を合わせて、手を上に上げて、なにやらへんな動きをしなくてはいけなかった。突然だれかがてっぺんにブラシをつけた棒で僕の頭を叩きつける。











Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Cheap things > Cheap Mind > Cheap Soul (Bangladesh Factory Collapse) / チープな物=チープな精神=チープな魂(バングラディッシュの工場崩壊) in English/ 日本語 2013/06/12

It is a while ago, but I wanted to say something about the news of Bangladesh factory.

Nowadays, people tend to buy cheap things, even food, anything. Once I went to Primark(super cheap clothes shop in London) full of people, and they are rushing to buy cheap stuff. Full of shopping bag… seems they spent a quite lot of money at the end. 3GBP for t-shirt? 15GBP for shirt? How do they make it?
I believe people don’t know what is going on behind the products. They buy cheap things because they have been educated that spending less money is good, because you can keep more money. 

This is WRONG.

More you surrounded by cheap things more you become poor.
Think about it. Bangladesh factory is very good example. Those people are creating cheap products with bad condition(don’t know how much they’ ve been paid, but at least they are in the condition they might die) and they don’t even know what they are making. Do you want to wear these products? This means that there is no care or soul inside the product. 

Think about master piece art. Why so expensive? Because the artist use full of energy and they tear their soul and place into it. (of course some art is not worth more than 1pence…)
We must re-think about the system. Buying expensive clothes or food doesn’t mean good, but if you buy quality things your mind and soul will be richer and happier. And your life will be fulfilled more. And you just have to know how to take care of these things. Do you really need 1000 of clothes? Do you really need to buy so many food? 

50% of food are going to be wasted in advanced country. 50%
And Please stop doing buy one get one in England. Can you make it half price instead of doing it? They buy and then they don’t spend it! 

 Even a fashion industry need to be changed. No one buys clothes anymore. But they make people to buy. People won’t buy rubbish. The era of producing unnecessarily products is finishing now.

We must think about how we build our life and the world. It is up to us to change it.


最近皆安いものを買う傾向にあると思う。食べ物でもなんでも。ロンドンのプライマークという激安のクローズショップに行くと恐ろしいほど沢山の人が詰めあっていて必死に物を買っていた。買い物籠には沢山のアイテムが入ってる。結局相当なお金を出しているのではと疑う。300円のt-shirt 2000円のシャツ?どうやってこの値段で作るのだろうか?







Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Architecture in Japan / 日本の建築  in English/日本語 20130513

Had a meeting with an architect Ko Nakamura who also works as assistant professor at Kuma Office in Tokyo University. 

Kuma Kengo  http://kkaa.co.jp/

Kuma’s current project in U.K. >

Ko Nakamura’s site > http://mosaicdesign.jp/activities/

Then I talked a lot with him, read below.
In Japan, traditionally carpenters had been architects, because of western influence we have a category of architects. Usually architects get 10-15% of the cost of building. Therefore, architects must have a project like million dollars. A Big property building company says “no cost for a design” but they hide the cost and sell cheap, I mean they can make 1000 of the same houses with a design. Of course it will be cheap, but looks horrible!

Old Japanese building like “Tera (Japanese Temple)” or “Jinja (Japanese shrine)”, stand more than several hundred years. Now there are not  so many great carpenters, western styles becomes modern and favourite for Japaese (not good at all for Japanese weather) , it costs. It is now hard to build traditional Japanese houses.  Also, if we use only woods, it would be problematic, as the wood pieces cannot be perfect and cannot predict what will happen in the future, so in law we must use some metal parts in building houses.
Like any electronic products. It will be ok if the house last 20years. Cheap, quick and easy to be destroyed.

I heard about the architecture world. As client is the god, it is not so important the first idea, it is important how they build according to the clients demand. Top person doesn’t think the idea, most of the time the team staff create it, then the final decision can be made by the architect.
Kuma has 50 projects at the same time, but he knows what is happening and he has an ability to see what he needs to do. Meeting can be only 5-10minutes with him.
They have many projects from China, there are quite a lot of strange offer, but then they had to do as they are building outside, not contents.

Successful Architect office has two types, one is the top doesn’t do much and take as many projects as they do and staff do the most of works. The other one is they take only a few projecdts and architects do most of works, Kuma does something in the middle, that is why he is successful I guess.

Architects who we talked in our conversation.

Kazuyo Sejima 妹島 和世(せじま かずよ) 

SANAA(サナア、Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates

designed new Louvre museum “louvre-lens”

Nobuaki Furuya古谷 誠章(ふるや のぶあき)

Sousuke Fujimoto 藤本壮介(ふじもと そうすけ)
Has selected for architects of new serpentine gallery pavilion

Toyoo Itou 伊東 豊雄(いとう とよお)


現在のプロジェクトKengo Kuma & AssociatesV&Aダンディーの設計コンペに勝利http://www.tdwa.com/dezeen/design/kengo_kuma_wins_competition_to_design_va_at_dundee.html
を中心に設計教育の現場で活躍され、自身のプロジェクトも抱える建築家 Ko Nakamuraに会う。
Ko Nakamuraさんのサイト> http://mosaicdesign.jp/activities/







SANAA(サナア、Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates


古谷 誠章(ふるや のぶあき)

藤本壮介(ふじもと そうすけ)


伊東 豊雄(いとう とよお)