Thursday, 17 January 2013

Buddha CEO-Satoshi is in Hospital / 仏社長・サトシロンドンのホスピタルに in Japanese / in English translation 2012/08/20





これは本当の話なんだけど、イタリア人のウェブデザイナーが日本で働くことになって、クライアントのお偉いさんにどうしてもコンタクトがとれない。途中段階を見せたいのに、相手の部下の人が「いやいまちょっとxxさんは忙しくて、これでいいです。もう期限近いんで終わらせちゃってください」「いやでもこれで最後に違うとか言われても困るので…」と友達は言ってなんとか相手のボスにめせてもらうよう頼むが実現しない。 結局最終の案を見せたら怒られ最初からやり直せと言われる。ボスの機嫌を伺って、最後に怒られて全てやり直しになるかもしれないのに、途中を見せない… 念のため友達が別の案を作っていたために助かる。「お、これいいじゃん、これでいこ」 



I realised interesting thing when I was in hospital. Doctor came to the waiting room and asked ‘Mr.Date?(Deito) (not Deito! Daate!)’  Great Doctors do not come out from his room in Japan. Rules are constructed firmly, and CEO or Boss supposed to be waiting at their place.  I think this is good think about England, they don’t separate role as inflexible hierarchy.

My friend who works in a medicine company in Japan told me an interesting story. It is a big company, but very hard to reach to the CEO to talk. First of all, you go to reception on the ground floor. ‘Mr.xx I heard you have made an appointment with OOO, CEO’s room is on the floor 126.’ So He went to the floor 126, then there was another reception on the floor. ‘ I will confirm it, so please wait, sir’ then 15min to wait,  ‘Ok, you go right at the first corner, left, then left again, going straight and the last door is the room’  He goes as exactly as he was told.

There was someone after the door. ‘Please wait here’  Oh not again!  He could not see the face of CEO, and there was a partition in front of CEO’s Desk.  The man by the door came back and saying ‘ the boss is having a nap at the moment, please do come back next time’  Then he had to make an appointment and go to receptions and when can he meet the boss???  Anyway why there is a partition in front of the boss( this is true, there is a partition). Is he really working? Why do all the staff respect him like a “GOD”?

Then perhaps, better lay a full gold Buddha statue as a CEO on the desk in his room. Then we could play 5times a day. Maybe everybody works harder, and the boss will never shout at us…

Following story is a true story. My friend who is Italian web designer works in Japan. She was trying to contact with the client’s boss. Of course she wanted to show the progress, but the staff of client said ‘Well he is a bit busy at the moment, this is fine, so please continue’ and my friend says, ‘come on I need to show him, I don’t want to do all over again, if he doesn’t like it’ but the staff doesn’t listen.  He was afraid of disturbing his boss. After all, the client didn’t like it at all and ask her to do everything all over again. But my friend luckily created some version of design and showed to him, then he said ‘oh this is quite good, let’s do this’

Why people use the power when they reached to the top? Sounds like a child, It seems like they stop growing their mind.

These kinds of silly small and big matters are everywhere in Japan, I would like to untie and fall apart once to construct from the scratch.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Holi day (Trip in India)ホリデイ in English/ in 日本語2012/03/08-02

It was Holi festival day.  We were excited to go to the town, we were too many in the taxi, we tried to hide in the car. After the taxi driver dropped us at the station, we bought some colour powder. I thought we through this powder to everywhere and everybody, but it seems like we paint others on the hand, more like rubbing on the skin or clothes, quite annoying, but less dangerous?(eyes might catch them)

We went to a space with full of people, crowded loud voice and music under the hard sun. There were some free food. We sat down and ate (wasn’t so good), each time I ate things, I worried about having a stomachache. We wonder around and paint each others, at the end as many young people come to us and paint on our face and hugging the girls, we started getting annoyed, especially a French girl. ‘Shitt! That’s enough! Don’t touch me!’
We came back to the farm earlier than what we expected. We ate Puri (but whole wheat, sorry I prefer white wheat…), Chai,  ate dessert.  That was boss family’s treat.

We sometime get treat.
When chef was happy he gives us treats as well. Treats which are silver cups of chai. It is interesting that we become like child or prisoner. We try to make him happy then he gives us treats. Treats like candy for children, seems like all what we can enjoy in here is food. Well of course we can talk and read a book, well, I actually noticed now it was like a prison, because the gate is always closed. Although we can escape anytime we want, but we stay. Stay with lovely farmers…

We take a shower with a cold water, around 4pm when the sun is going down, so we try to finish before the desert gets cold. When the guest house is empty, we sometimes used the bath room there. The bath in there is a bit luxurious, but no hot water, which was fine though. The luxurious part was not just look, that bath room did not have a roof, so we could get some hot sunshine and take a shower at the same time, well bucket shower as it is too cold to get a shower directly onto my body.
It took a lot of time to clean myself. As Holi’s powder was everywhere on the body. Very cold well water, heating sunshine and chemical coloured powder.

この日はホリ フェスティバルだった。街に行くのにぼくらは興奮していた。タクシーの中にぎゅうぎゅうずめになった僕らは、警察に見られないように隠れようと必死だった。タクシーのドライバーが僕らをおろしたあと、色のついた粉を買う。この粉を人やいろんなものに投げつけるものかと思ったが、どうやら手にとって顔や体に擦り付けるようだ(いい気分ではない)。

ぶらぶらとぼくらは歩き人に色を塗られ塗り返す。だんだん僕らは気分が悪くなり、フランス人の女の子は怒って「もう!いい! 触んないでよ。もう帰る!」と必要以上に触る男性たちにイラついていた。




Friday, 4 January 2013

Comic!漫画付 The day before the Holi, Watch your Shit! ホリの前日 in English/日本語 2012/03/07

A French girl in the farm, she was so excited, because of the party mood in the village. Outside of our gate, people in the village were gathering and making a big bon fire. They were cooking some kinds of crops and they used some kinds of soil on sticks to make the flame stronger. French girl was asking what it was. And that was cow’s poo. After she heard that she kept escaping from sticks which everybody was holding them, “so dirtyyy!”
“Don’t touch me with your hand!”
 “ahhh! Don’t come to me! Watch your shit!!!”
She was terrified about the poo.

We heard the dance tune from somewhere. I heard the loud party sound like that a night before, so I could not really sleep..
I didn’t think that we are going to join one of these parties…

We went to the gate and of course it was closed, gate guy who has a house next to the main gate, hear our noise. We were trying to climb up the gate and go to the party, he secretly opened the door and we went out. We walked about a half kilometer. We reached to the rail and there was a guy in the little house, I guess he is a rail man?

French girl asked,

“where is the party??” he did’t answer, I didn’t think he understand English as he was wearing turban and looked so local. She was imitating DJ and she said “DJ??” he was just mimicking what she did and then he started to speak but the language wasn’t English. Suddenly, comically, she turned to one of us who speak a bit of Indian language, then said “Translate!!!”
We anyway followed the sound, we walked the rail in the midnight. Finally we found bunch of people dancing on the plastic sheet in the middle of the farm. I saw massive speakers with crazy dance music.

Everybody was welcome to us and we danced there. Women seemed to be shy and just watching us, but when we take their hands and make them join, they actually dance well.
I am sure those people are not belonging to this farm, they just came by cars and vans with speakers and start making dance party.
We had a fun for a few hours, then suddenly French girl had enough and wanted to go home…
Then we left, all the young people on the ground wanted us to stay.


「ちょっと来ないでよ、Watch your SHIIIT!



