Saturday, 23 April 2011

伊達 賢の「アートと次元の関係性について~現実の世界と抽象の世界の窓~」 in Japanese only

伊達 賢の「アートと次元の関係性について~現実の世界と抽象の世界の窓~」


OPEN: 19:30
START: 20:00
講師:伊達 賢
講師プロフィール:東京生まれ、ロンドン在住。アート・音楽を服に浸透させ表現する、ファッション・デザイナー・レーベル -サトシ・ダテ- のクリエティブ・ディイレクター。ジョン・ガリアーノ、ステラ・マッカートニー、アレキサンダー・マックイーンなど数々の著名な卒業生を生んできた世界三大デザイン学校セントラル・セントマーティンズを2006年に卒業。2009年から、環境や社会問題を訴えるテーマでロンドン・ファッション・ウィークに参加し、ファッションショー、展示会などを含め、幅広い活動をヨーロッパ中心に行っている。
場所:游龍の館 EX-LOUNGE 渋谷区神宮前4-24-5



Monday, 18 April 2011

What did we learn from Crisis in Japan / 震災で何を学んだか。其の2  English&日本語 No2

How about living a little bit slower speed. Since this tragic, it makes us think in many ways, especially to Japanese people. About tomorrow, future, our lives, we do not know what it will happen next day which we believe it would be normal. Do Japanese people can endure the tough situation, being flexible and start the new life right now?

We have to build up the environment which we can develop our flexibility and strength. What we are doing and where we are. We should develop our mind to create a mature environtment which also makes keeping a spare of relax heart.

Buying needless things, throughing extra away, these things can be normal, we are in a such world. Perhaps it is normal in the city or advanced countries. Waste the energies, put all the extra food into the rubbish bin, this makes us completely numb about environment. However, I believe many people realised that any tiny help to the environment change the life of the refegee in north east part of Japan. If you change the attitude, it changes the world.

About the problems of Nuclear Plants, it seems like most of the Japanese are feeling terrified and worried like we are in the war. Maybe there is not such a different situations we are in now. Killing and destroying in the war is usually by People. What about this time event? Of course people are not trying to kill or suffer people by Plants and many of civilians did not know what was the problem of nuclear plants there before, but in the war, government and army decide the decision by their selfish choice. Anyhow it’s happened the thing that it should not happen.

I believe all the civilians create the government by their words and opinions, how we prevent this, what was the cause, we should not spend so much energy for blaming on someone, think about our lives, being even more careful about our decision as we think about whole country and the world. Wasting energy of your body and mind is also wasting the energy of our resources!

もっとゆっくり生きてはどうか。今回の事で世界の人、特に日本人は色々考えさせられたのではないだろうか? 明日の事、将来のこと、人生の事、次の日なにがおきるか予想のつかない事が日常に隣する。どんな事が起きても耐え抜いて新しい人生をはじめる柔軟さが今の日本人にあるだろうか?





Thursday, 7 April 2011

What did we learn from Crisis in Japan 1/2 震災で何を学んだか。其の一  English & 日本語(Japanese)2011年4月3日 20110403 -01- 01

My body was placed in UK, not in Japan. BBC, NHK(Japanese National TV Channel) I ‘ve been watching those and I felt quite odd, because I felt the connection between Japan and myself, but I am away from the land, worried, at the same time I the same emotion, consciousness with Japanese people.

Because of the internet, many people in the world support Japan, this even, I felt strange. Many people who loves Japan (likes anime or Japanese sub culture) send a message to Japan,too.

It was a strange phenomenon for me, Surface level of Japanese culture which is animation (most of them I believe it is just a surface) promotes to the world and we got a support from the result. On the news in Germany, they showed some animation clips at the beginning of the Japan Crisis news that was a bit strange. Of course the supporters from the world are not just animation fan, but I just wonder, why do they worry about Japan , the 2 dimensional imaginative world will never collapse, but probably the place where they created is in danger? That is why they are worried ?

About Nuclear Power Stations

I had an opinion like ‘If the power station is protected by ridged security and safety, It should be fine.’ I realised that it is crazy that we have those dangerous machines everywhere in the world. There are some opinions saying we should reconsider about safety, it should never happen etc. Civilians are also involved with this problem and depend on this system. Some parts of Japan need to stop using electricity some points to save energy. Several 100 years ago will never be considered such a trouble. We do not have any resources in Japan. We cannot live with candles from now on.

There are huge populations and economies rely on nuclear energy, I think this is the conclusion of what we have been building up the world. Rapidly, just to fill our desire and conveniences temporary. Too many people, we need energy, there is energy, then we use as much we have. There is a system that we cannot really control everywhere but we have just sort the problem temporarily then we crated the toothed wheels of society which do not match each other.

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