Thursday, 19 May 2016
Monday, 16 May 2016
2016/05/16 Deep Melancholic Dream in English and 日本語
I dreamed about ‡ . melancholic dream. We were in the building. ‡ was in the volunteer organization, we sat in the class room ? many chair and desks. ‡ showed her back. ‡ was working very hard. Big glass was in front of us. ‡ was so enthusiastic about this organization I feel like I am useless and no place to be in ‡’s mind. ‡ is surely having pure heart.
‡ did not want to stay with us. Although there was a house attached to this big building.
There were two ‡ some point. I did not want to introduce them each other as they were my close friends. But I did it. One had a muscle legs. They seem not get on well. (but maybe they were different person, only the name was the same)
‡ became Asian girl. Wearing Tibetan or some sort of central Asian traditional clothes. And hug me from behind. ‡ was only 13-15 year old. ‡ turned and wearing normal clothes now. And disappeared.
Outside, it was sunny, clear blue sky. Well, in the dream it was maybe grey. Many workers are there. The scenery was distorted.. distorted like looking thorough 18mm camera lens.
I am wearing white clothes so as others. Queuing up, queuing up for nothing.
Big van, taken us to one location, near the shops, some car crushes into the shops. We are only Russians, as the organizer cannot categorizes me, I was in the Russian group.
Met a close friend. Don’t know where is he from.
Eager to see ‡ but I knew certainly something happening to ‡.
‡ の夢を見る。 とても悲しい夢。 僕らはおなじ学校の教室のような場所にいる。‡はボランティアの団体で仕事をしている。机に向かってなにか必死に作業を している。僕らはの教室のような建物はとても広々していて、目の前はガラス一面でおおわれている。 ‡はこの団体を信じきっていて、ぼくが入る隙間はいっ さいなさそうだ。そこに深い苦しみと悲しみを感じる。
‡が13-15歳くらいになり、チベットかどこかの色とりどりのアジアの伝統衣装をきてぼくを後ろから満身の笑みで抱き付く。 うしろをみるとそっぽをむいて普通の服に戻りどこかに消える。
その日横についている家で‡は泊まることができたが、‡は断った。 外は爽快な青空だった(夢なので灰色がかっている)。 多くの労働者が白い服を着て立っている。まるで18mmの広角レンズでみたような景色が広がる。人はただなにかに並んでいる。意味のない何かに。
大きなワゴン車にのる。ロシア人だけのグループに入った。車がおみせに突っ込む。 ぼくの人種が不明だったためにロシアグループにいれらたようだ。
Friday, 13 May 2016
My accessories work will be displayed til 21May. アクセサリーワーク・ディスプレイ @galleryconceal
My accessories work will be displayed until 21st May.Please visit if you fancy.
5月21日までアクセサリーとプロダクトワークが渋谷 Gallery Conceal にてディスプレイされます。是非いらしてください。!showcase/c2538
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
My accessories work will be displayed til 21May. アクセサリーワーク・ディスプレイ @galleryconceal
My accessories work will be displayed until 21st May.Please visit if you fancy.
5月21日までアクセサリーとプロダクトワークが渋谷 Gallery Conceal にてディスプレイされます。是非いらしてください。!showcase/c2538
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