Thursday, 3 March 2016

FEAST Theatre Play, フィースト、演劇 in English/Japanese 日本語

I went to my friend’s theatre play “FEAST”.

The promotion video seems disgusting but interesting.

Surrealistic and many interesting ideas, every time I go out and see art / theatre give me some sorts of inspirations. Good to go out everyone.

Even it is not so big stage, it is interesting that people can create the different “quality of existence” (I call it this way). You can see one of the idea eating cereals.

Brief description >

1 man, 2 girls half naked, wearing the hat like bowl to feed themselves. Woke up with water. Seems they are hungry.. desperate to eat… later feast appears… play with foods… then going to mysterious strange world… gradually.

I found this “wasting” food here is interesting, British people are quite sensitive about food, organic, fair trade, vegetarian or vegan, but when it comes to art… they it is okay to waste food.. and they don’t even think about it. In Japan, they will get loads of complain if they waste the food.. even for art…

Well, we waste food or energy everyday in daily life anyway… but not in public?

If It is off food.. maybe okay?

Few of my friends who are in theatre world were there, too. One of my friend who is theatre director gave me a lift for me. (All my friends live close! How nice, Hackney is not trendy anymore). He mentioned that he was in Aikido practice before.. It is interesting that how many people are into martial arts in the U.K.?  Got wet by rain.. by bicycle from the station. Arrived home around 12am. 

友達の演劇を見に行った。Feast (ご馳走)という演劇。 プロモーションビデオを見た感じ、気分を悪くするようなないようだったが(アシスタントの一人はその理由で来なかった)、友達の演劇ということもあり、おもしろそうだったこともあり、見に行った。 シュールで不思議な空間、沢山のアイデア。いつもどこかにアートをみにでかけるとインスピレーションを頂く。みんなもっとでかけましょう。

大きなステージではなかったけど、そんななかでも「クオリティー・オブ・イグジスタンス」(存在の質 私はこう呼ぶ)。シリアルを食べるアイデアの一つが私のスケッチで見れます。




