In a grey sky. I was in a town. Town looks like Japan, perhaps in
Suginami-ku, near Kugayama station in Japan. Hilly. And each hill there are
rows of houses. I may came by bus or bicycle. To visit or see the flat. Stairs
just after main door, and entrance hall, there are some shoes cupboard and
bicycles. And stairs again, on the left there is a room. I think I stayed
there. It was after mid night. Sleepy. It was maybe yellow… the wall, I felt
someone was coming down. I may have to explain who I am. I went down and talked
to Indian Japanese girl, who seems to be my friend N(Indian girl), M.M(Japanese
Haiawan girl) or N.Y (Japanese French? I’ve
forgotten). She was an attractive girl. She looked more Japanese than Indian.
She showed me her photo album. There are probably 16 or 8 portraits of her on
the open pages. Different faces and different ages. Most of them looked very south
(?) Indian face, thick eye blow a bit of hair under nose. Two, three looked
oriental, flat face looked familiar and they look younger than other faces.. I
can feel 70’s portrait.. looked very old and Indian style I felt. Oh and very
spookily, her dad’s face was flat and big. Like he was wearing mask or
something. Strangely decorated and big and flat. But real.
Probably the same flat. But I was in high place. L shape room. And
at the depth, my brother was there. My brother was excited about something. And
I realized that he doesn’t make any sense, he is behaving strangely. I said to him he has to sleep. I put all the
books away and calm him down and make him sleep. I hold him and put the duvet
on him. I realized that I have to give love sometimes.
had to go down the trees from the room. Part of the wall had no wall(suddenly)
then I, the girl, also 2,3 other female friends, her friends or flat-mates. She
told me find the oily(shiny) branch to step on. She kept saying I am armature.
I managed to land on the ground. As soon as turned my face back, she was about
landing the ground. She was like “See, you need more experience.”
Scene changed. I was looking for flat and owner was showing the huge
room. I was so happy that it is so big. I can dance, doing marshal arts, painting
or music. There were several rooms. The ceiling
of one of the room had hollow. I asked how much it is. The owner or agency guy
was showing me a strange place, as this is already mine. I went upstairs, that
was empty library. I realized this is part of community centre. Came out the
rooms and I found one door and big fridge, I realized that this is a studio flat.
And I thought maybe some people rent this and put many tenants to make a person’s
rent cheap.
I was in a clean big main entrance. I came out the glass door. There
was a guy outside, and I talked. And my friend(female friend?) was talking to
other person beside me, perhaps she was a woman. He said to me that he is
psychologist or studying psychology. I said oh yes? I am reading Jung now. He
started talking about one theory. The image suddenly pop into my head. He was
talking about cult. On the image there is a triangle shaped building. It seems
that is centre of cult. And around there was horrible town, it looked only like ruin, I think that is
representation of the city which has been collapsed. As more collapsed the
city, the building becoming taller and bigger. What is this metaphor?
Then I realized that he has got a tattoo. On the face. 3,4 lines
horizontally, but interestingly it moves from left to right or right to left. It
was words.. or illegible words. Looks like digital light.
灰色の空。僕は町にいる。日本のような、たぶん杉並区の久我山駅近く。丘だらけで、同じレベルの地には家が並んでいる。バスか自転車でこのエリアにやってきた。部屋を探しにもしくは友達を訪ねに。玄関のあとにはすぐに階段が。階段のあとには小さな踊り場があって、そこには自転車と靴箱がある。そこからまた左側に狭い階段があり(階段の両側は壁)2階、3階へとまっすぐ続いている。2階(?)にぼくはとどまる。もう真夜中をすぎていた。3階から誰かやってくるが僕はびくついている。女の人だった。踊り場にもどる。インド系のイギリス人の女の子(この子はたぶん友達のインド人N、か日本系ハワイ人M.Mか日本系フランス人?N.Yだ)が自分の過去のポートレイトを見せてくれた。写真はアルバムにいれてあり。開いたら16枚か8枚になる様々なときの写真がならぶ。どれも別人のようだった。インド人っぽい、奥深く眉毛が濃くて、鼻の下の産毛がある女の子、もっと若い感じの女の子は東洋的な顔をしていた。 恐い写真もあり、それは彼女のお父さん。顔は大きく、フラットであった。顔にはみえないでなにかの抽象画のようだった。いかにもインドのような背景で、70年代の写真のようだった。
ある瞬間反対側のL字の奥階段があるほうの壁が消える。木の枝がそこまで繋がっていた。どうやら僕らはそこからおりないといけないようだ。先ほどの女性と、2,3人彼女か僕の女性友達。 ぼくが最初におりるが、とてもうまくいかない。脂っこい(つるつるした)枝を捜せばいいといわれ、そこに足をつける。どう考えても無理とおもったが、いつのまにかぼくは降りていた。体を振り向かせるとすでに女の子は地面に足をつけようとしていた。「慣れが必要ね」といわれる。 空中で回転をみせるイメージが浮かび、それをやるように降りないといけないといわれる。
彼の顔を見ると文字のようなものが顔に3,4つ水平に動いているのがみえる。デジタルの光だと思うが。刺青のようだった。Marshal artist.
Actually happened
On the next day 2015/06/24
Around 17pm on the 254 bus near Finsbury
Park station.
I saw exactly the same thick eye blow girl
on the bus, she was looking back and forward. She was like 12 year old and with
her mum. Mum didn’t look like her at all. Then they got off at the station. I realized
that there was another little girl. Older sister was keep talking in a strange
language (didn’t sound like Indian language) to younger one. That younger little
girl looked oriental and very similar to what I’ve seen.
夢をみた次の日 2015・06・24
夢の写真と全く同じ顔の12歳くらいの女性がバスに乗っていた。眉毛が濃く、ひげがあって、奥深い。インド語とはおもえないことばで何か大きな声でしゃべっている。母親もいたが似ていなかった。彼らが外に出ると。小さい妹がいることに気付く。彼女はまた写真の女の子と似ていた。 東洋人のような顔だった。