Monday, 26 January 2015

Vipassana Meditation/ ヴィパッサーナ瞑想 in English/Japanese

love is weakened, love is missing, love is migrated, love is lessened, love is lost…. love is…

drawing by Satoshi Dáte (伊達 賢)

I am going to Vipassana Meditation

This is nothing to do with religion or some sort of cult.
You can read trough in different language on the site.

The reason I am going is
-       I never been taught how to meditate
-       Although I do less suffer than before, but I still see nightmare everyday and dark cloud comes into my mind
-       Try to control myself
-       Think about myself once again deeply
-       As many of my friends recommended

So I won’t be able to talk to you or response for 10 days, any emergency please contact to my official email then my assistant can reply to you.



-       今まで瞑想方法を教わったことがないため
-       以前より不安や恐怖と戦えるようになったが、悪夢は毎日のようにみる。巨大な虚無が襲ってくることがある。
-       自身をコントロールするため
-       自分自身を深く考えるため
-       多くの友達が推薦したため


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Universe is constructed by our brains 2015/01/14 in English and Japanese

I was talking to a researcher friend who decode the sight signals in the brain. In this 21st century, people have not figure out what is the meaning of each signals. He said there are so many noises in the information he collects. When animal or people see things, we think different things, so we need to figure out which ones are the right ones to look at, but that noise can be important to read the signals? How they relate each other? He said he can make everything simplified… 
It seems so many things going on in the brain. 

We talked about the universe later on. It is hard to figure out which theory of construction of universe would apply as many scientist start observing the universe in a different way. Starting point can be completely different, and our subjectivity can effect a lot. 

I thought the universe grows or constructed by various ways at the same time and we cannot understand the movement as it is created beyond our mind.

And then another idea came up in my mind, perhaps our brain itself is universe. Inside the brain is universe, and universe moves by our mind or vice versa


脳に送られる情報シグナルの解読の研究をしている友達がロンドンに来た。21世紀の今で も脳に関しては解明されていないことが多い。彼がいわくたくさんのノイズがシグナルに読み取られてそれを除去する作業が大変なようだ。けれどもそのノイズ にも意味があるのではと僕が問う。それでもシンプルに解読していく方法があるそうだ。

脳の中ではたくさんのことが同時に起こっているよう だ。僕たちは宇宙について語り始めた。宇宙もまた多くの可能性があり、どのように成長してどのように構築されているかなどいろいろな議論がある。それぞれ の科学者が理論をいうがどれも始点がちがい、理論は成立するがそれぞれがかみ合っていない。主観的な部分もかかわってくる。



illustration and words by Satoshi Dáte

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Nice to meet you to 2015/2015年 はじめまして。  In English・日本語

Nice to meet you to 2015.  I feel that this year we can relax a bit at the beginning and work hard towards the end. We have a lot to do.
70years after the Second World War ended. Most of people who experienced it are getting fewer, but we must learn from the history.

I believe this year we have many important issues to face and work together.
Global warming, conflicts, economy, EU, Population problem. We are confronting many issues.

We are all living together and only one vehicle we have is the earth. As we are driving the vehicle we must look back our past and learn things and we control ourselves as well as maintain the beauty of the earth.
Hope the year of sheep will get it through the gate of 2015.

2015年、はじめまして。 リラックスを少しして、今年の終わりまで全速力。今年はそんな年になる気がします。


