Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Satoshi Date New Collection 'Routes of Being' Fashion Show

I have a fashion show during London Fashion Week on 18th of September 2010.
And the latest information has been uploaded on my blog

If you are interested in coming to my show, please follow my blog and complete the form below then send it to You will get the chance to win a fashion show ticket - do not miss out !!!
Even if you miss these tickets we will give you information about attending exhibition on the 19th and 20th.

Title: Request for Ticket, .

Full Name :
E-mail Address :
Occupation :
Please let us know if you do not wish to be updated. :

From time to time we may contact you with information about forthcoming exhibitions and shows.
We will never sell or pass on your information or contact details to any other party.

Best regards,
Satoshi Date



この度、London Fashion Week にて、新作コレクションのショーを開催致します。
最新情報は随時ブログ にアップしておりますので、是非遊びにいらしてください。


E-Mail :
職業 :
今後もSatoshi Dateの最新ニュースメール送信を希望されますか? :


Satoshi Date

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Hackney Wicket 2010(English&日本語)

I went to Hackney Wicked(Hackney Wick Festival). Very close to where I live.
I missed last year. It was so nice, I thought festival is so small as I did not know how huge the area is.

Hackney Wick is famous as artists area, there are many buildings and studios where people live together.I met so many of my old friends. Ex flat-mate’s friends about 7people, Artist living in Dalston, my neighbour,Video editors. Seeing them again made me very happy. It seems like re-union party!

It was more like music live/ club party. On the top of the building, Reggae music plays so loud,,, I wonder people who live here are not annoyed or not… It seems like whole area is doing party.
Interesting one is music playing from the 1st floor where there is no wall. Atmosphere was fantastic, too.Small cannel, modern building and very old building, ruins…. !


家の近くで、去年逃したので最後の日でしたがぎりぎりで足を運びました。 フェスティバルは結構小さいのかと思ったのですが。意外にとても広く、いたるところにで音楽が演奏されていました。

