Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Routes of Being Discussion with Environment Artist Hidemi Nishida
Discussion about human motivation and problems of modern social system.
環境アーティストHidemi Nishidaと対談、人間性、モチベーション、現代社会の問題点などを語る。
Friday, 24 June 2016
Now I am alone again. Isolated UK. また一人になってしまった。孤立するイギリス。
Now I am alone again. Isolated UK. また一人になってしまった。孤立するイギリス。
Of course EU is not perfect that is why we were working on.
Britain showed that British People cannot compromise with others.
Now the nationalists in the UK encourage other countries.
Britain will be punished by EU. We shall not start the dirty job just because
mother left from home.
What are you going to do? I think voting System is not
working. Why do we have to follow majority of people’s thinking always? What if majority people are just nationalists
and ignorance? We follow? London wants
to stay. So London should be in the EU. Let’s move to Scotland.
#Brexit #LeaveEU
いったいこれからどうしようというのだろう?国民投票は良い方法だろうか?今回の事は多数決をするべきだったろうか?多数の人が極端な愛国主義であったら? 賛同するべきなのだろうか? ロンドンの市民はほとんど残留したい。ロンドンだけEUに残れたらよいのに。 EUに残ろうとしているスコットランドに移ろうか検討中。
#ブレグジット #EU離脱
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Japanese people who through “the truth” into the black hole. Incident Becky in Japan/ ブラックホールに真実を放り投げる日本人達。 Becky騒動について。 In English/日本語
ベッキーさんが「悪い」のだろうか?相手の男性は?また彼のパートナーに問題は一切ないのだろうか? 一般的なモラルに反しているかもしれないが、はっきりした事実を知らないのに略奪した、卑劣な事をしたなど、他人が意見を言えるのだろうか?
日本のメディアに出た人間は人権がなくなるのだろうか? 権利を閲覧者に託されるのだろうか?
日本はまた、「失敗」は悪だとされる。 そして離婚は失敗とみなされる。
日本人で恋愛をした前の恋人とは一切合いたくないという人が多い。なぜなら「恨んでいるから」「関係がないから」。 たとえうまくいかなかったことがあっても一時は愛しあっていたわけで、その感情や経験は誰にもわからない素敵な結晶なはずだ。それを後に分かち合えないのは非常に残念な話だ。
こんな話がある。イギリス人の友人の話である夫婦が離婚をしたときに子供がいたようだ。その後、それぞれ新しい家庭を作り、それぞれにまた新しい子供ができた。かれらは時折両方の家族、二人の間の子供たちで出かけピクニックなどをするそうだ。 そこに「恨み」も「怒り」も存在しない。互いを尊重しそれぞれの人生を応援している。
そんな光景はあまり日本では見ない。 恥さらしだと言うかもしれない。
話は違うが、イギリスでは幽霊が出る家は高く売れる。 信じるか信じないはべつだが、日本では幽霊はすべてネガティブに捉えられる。おばけも肯定的に捉えれば、ハッピーになって脅かしたりもしないのではあるまいか?
幻想の中で生きている。現実的に生きろ生きろと他人と自分に言い聞かせる。仕事をすることが生きることで、休むことが悪。何のために生きているか、誰のためにどんな社会的な貢献があるかもわからないまま意味もなく仕事をすることが「正しい」。 マゾキストのように自分を痛めつけることが「美しい」
もしメディアにでている人にはPrivateがないのなら、彼らはマスコミやメディアやファンが作り上げたままの生活をしなくてはいけない。 時にはメディアが求めている逆のことをする必要もある。なぜなら、それによって敵をつくり架空の世界に視聴者はさらに足を踏み入れ、実生活の腹いせをぶつけることができるから。
Privateな会話がでまわったようだが、その会話に関しても彼らが何を考えているかどうなのか罪悪感がないかどうかは文字だけでは読みとれない、ひらきなおってごまかしてそう話しているかもしれない。 そもそもPrivateなものを公開することは間違っている。誰でもPrivateのメッセージでは、おかしな話をしてる人がたくさんいると思う。それは本心で言ってないこともあるだろう。
慰謝料を請求したり、相手を苦しめたりなぜ人はするのだろうか? 結婚をして愛しあっているのに裏切られた、という中でなぜ相手にそんな仕打ちをするのだろうか?
まさにそれは自分が愛を与えていない証拠ではないだろうか? なぜ恨むのか?なぜ憎むのか?自分にはなにも問題がなかったのだろうか? 自分が選んだ相手ではないのだろうか?
in English
There is a celebrity, TV presenter called Becky. She lost many
advertising job and TV programs presenter job after she had an affair with
married man. As I am understanding, just because she break different images to
the audience or against the moral. You
can read the Guardian article below link.
I don’t know much about celebrities and TV in Japan, but it was
focused on the Guardian and make me feel I want to speak my opinion about
issues in Japanese modern society.
Sometimes, I found British people’s big question mark about
Japanese modern society in English newspaper which is not often a difference of
traditions and culture.
We Japan was like that from long time ago? Our strangeness of
modern culture is made by sudden mixture of negative side of Japanese tradition
and capitalism?
On the article or English people’s opinion about this event.
“Why only the woman side has punished and not the man?”
“No woman’s right”
Also they are amazed about unusual treatment towards this
Many audiences and media complained about her behavior. It went
crazy, because she had an affair and breaking her media image.
The issue of having affair or love relationship problem is totally
private matters, not the media or other people tell them what to do.
In Japan, witch hunt is everywhere now. As there are many
bullying others within schools and work place in japan, individuals leave their
problems and blame others or to put all the problems to innocent people. It is
like excusing their life.
Do any of these people
who complains are happy anyway?
Is Becky bad? What about the man? What about his partner? As
general it is against the moral, but why the non-related people can say that
she is stealing the husband or disgusting things she did even if they don’t
know the real fact.
They lose their human rights if you are in Japanese media or
media? All the rights are taken by audiences?
If we are human we fall in love with people who shouldn’t be.
If this is terrible things, She cannot have any love
relationship which suit to the media want.
There is no life without any mistakes. If the husband found the
“true love” then she should give up. And If there is truth in that love, the
wife should start her new life rather than cursing him.
This may be different from this case, but if you lost interest
to the one you love, and the partner found new love, I think the love between
the couple may have been finished.
What if they have children?
I have listened to many people who have divorced parents. Most
of them said, they want parents to get divorced rather than having parents who
don’t love each other.
Of course there must be many reasons, problems and difficult to
make things black and white. When I do life coach, they often cannot see the
real reality.
Also in Japan they think “failure” is always bad. And divorcing
is failure they think. There is no perfect in the world. Failing, losing or
succession create “NOW” and “induvial life”,
Many people say in Japan they do not want to the ex. Why?
“I am not related anymore” “Feeling bitter about them”
Even if our relationship could not work out, once we loved each
other, and there must be something precious to share which no one cannot
understand. It is pity.
There is a story like this, My friend told me that there was a
couple who had childen when they got divorced. After that, they had a new
family then new children. Divorced couple and new partners and children often
meet up for barbecue or doing picnic. There is no hate or grudge. They respect
each other’s lives and support.
When David Bowie got married with new wife. The best man was
previous wife. Do we see this kind of situation in Japan often? Japanese people
may think that is shameful behavior.
Different topic, but in England, a house with a ghost can sell
more expensive than actual house price. Whether you believe in ghost or not, in
Japan ghost can be negative. If we become positive about ghost they may become
happier and they are not going to threaten us.
It seems that in Japan, we throw whatever into the negative black
We do not have time to be philosophical. We work for fake
reality. When we see the target we can blame or bully, we excuse ourselves and
attack them on and on.
Seems like Japan itself is ill.
Why on earth we do not do anything for it.
We live in the illusion. We keep speaking ourselves “live, live
in the REAL world”. Constantly working blindly is our life. To have rest is
evil. It is the right and the best thing to live without any meaning, no
contribution to the society or not to question ourselves why we are
living. It is beautiful to punish
ourselves like masochist.
Even if we become mental. Even if we commit suicide, We do not
care, Do not even think it is an issue. We do not believe that we will be one
of them.
One Western person said, Buddhism is really the main religion in
Japan? Which is to live in balanced way. I think it is a desire to harm
It seems that we are walking in the hard path, but we are not in
the right path. Like this, this kind of “Unreal” world, our head is soaked into
If you say all the people who are on TV or media, do not have
private, They need to live in the life which is created by audiences. They may have to do
opposite to what audience wants them to be or do, because then audience can attack
and complain to them, audiences can be more in the fake reality excusing their
real life.
There must be different kind of affair. Well, why is it guilty?
It is hard to say what is “affair”. Some say if you have a
feeling towards others, that is already a sin.
Why cannot we glad that the partner found new love and let them go. And
try to find our new paths
Their private conversation has been publicized, but it is
impossible to guess the meaning behind their conversation. They may say
something horrible but try not to blame themselves. Anyway it is insane that
show their private messages in public. Surely if any of our private message was
released, we have many words may misunderstand others.
Media is kind of rubbish bin for people. By watching or
following make us suppress ourselves. Forget about others’ life and concentrate our own love, not to
be distracted by others’ opinion, we will be able to develop our ability to
distinguish what is real.
Our mission is to find the real love, isn’t it? If you are not
committing the crime, why can’t we applause people who are trying hard to find
the one?
Marriage is not the thing to give perfect life.
In my opinion, in this kind of situation, why do we have to
divorce before having a relationship with others? How can we know if the new
person is the right or not without having relationship?
Surely it is not good that one is having a deep relationship
with married wife or husband and tell a lie and having many affairs
irresponsibly and also tell lies to all these people.
To ask compensation or to suffer the partner, why do we do this
thing? The partner betrayed me, while she or he complains, they make their
partner suffer.
That is really, the proof that she or he is not giving love to
other. Why grudge? Why hating. They did not have any problems? They are the one
who chose the partner.
The person cannot be anyone’s belonging.
We do not know these two celebrities, found the true love or
not, but we must support anyone who found the deep love. I believe that if we
create a loving family from it, it influences the society, many problems we
have can be sort it.
Drawing and writing by Satoshi Dáte
参考:英国ガーディアン紙 記事
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